I-280 Potrero Hill California Accident Reports
More results in our I-280 Potrero Hill California Archives
DOT Accident and Construction Reports
TYPE: Planned Event Serious
TYPE: Planned Event Moderate
Capp St Road is closed from 18th St to 19th St.
Road ClosedTYPE: Planned Event Moderate
Capp St Road is closed from 20th St to 19th St.
Road ClosedTYPE: Planned Event Moderate
Capp St Road is closed from 19th St to 18th St.
Road ClosedTYPE: Planned Event Moderate
Capp St Road is closed from 20th St to 21st St.
Road ClosedTYPE: Planned Event Moderate
TYPE: Planned Event Moderate
Capp St Road is closed from 19th St to 20th St.
Road ClosedTYPE: Planned Event Moderate
Capp St Road is closed from 21st St to 20th St.
Road ClosedTYPE: Planned Event Moderate
TYPE: Planned Event Moderate
TYPE: Planned Event Moderate
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Construction Moderate
TYPE: Miscellaneous Moderate
Winter Walk SF
Road ClosedTYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Construction Moderate
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Construction Moderate
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Construction Serious
I-280 California Accident Reports Statewide (4 DOT and News Reports)