NC-71 Parkton North Carolina Accident Reports
More results in our NC-71 Parkton North Carolina Archives
DOT Accident and Construction Reports
Road ClosedWeight Limit on Parkton Tobermory Rd. Bridge over I-95 (North of St. Pauls) has been cha
TYPE: Construction Moderate
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Construction Moderate
Road ClosedThe NCDOT C204110 Fayetteville Outer Loop project plans call for the Camden Road access fr
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Congestion Serious
Road ClosedAs part of the I-295 construction, the access to the neighborhood located on Braddy Rd (SR
TYPE: Construction Moderate
Road ClosedAs part of the NCDOT C204110 (U-2519BA/BB) Fayetteville Outer Loop project, Strickland Bri
TYPE: Construction Moderate
NC-71 North Carolina Accident Reports Statewide (20 DOT and News Reports)