US 421 Woodberry Forest North Carolina Accident Reports
More results in our US 421 Woodberry Forest North Carolina Archives
DOT Accident and Construction Reports
Roadwork from University Pkwy to Coliseum Dr.
Road ClosedTYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Miscellaneous Serious
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Accident Serious
As part of the Winston-Salem Northern Beltway construction, a portion of Orvil Lane will b
Road ClosedTYPE: Construction Moderate
As part of the Winston-Salem Northern Beltway construction, the intersection of Garden Vie
Road ClosedTYPE: Construction Moderate
As part of the Winston-Salem Northern Beltway construction, a portion of Old Winston Road
Road ClosedTYPE: Construction Moderate
As part of the Winston-Salem Northern Beltway construction, a portion of Oak Grove Church
Road ClosedTYPE: Construction Moderate
NCDOT contract forces will close SR 1003 (High Point Road) between SR 2643 (Union Cross Ro
Road ClosedTYPE: Construction Moderate
As part of the Winston-Salem Northern Beltway construction, a portion of Oakridge Place Dr
Road ClosedTYPE: Construction Moderate
TYPE: Construction Moderate
US 421 North Carolina Accident Reports Statewide (20 DOT and News Reports)