WA-525 Alderwood Manor Washington Accident Reports
More results in our WA-525 Alderwood Manor Washington Archives
DOT Accident and Construction Reports
Roadwork from Larch Way to 164th St SW.
Road ClosedTYPE: Construction Moderate
Roadwork from 164th St SW to Larch Way.
Road ClosedTYPE: Construction Moderate
TYPE: Accident Serious
TYPE: Construction Serious
WA-523 / NE 145th St Road is closed from 15th Ave (NE 145th St) to Meridian Ave (N 145th S
Road ClosedTYPE: Miscellaneous Serious
WA-523 / NE 145th St Road is closed from Meridian Ave (N 145th St) to I-5/4th Ave (145th S
Road ClosedTYPE: Miscellaneous Serious
WA-525 Washington Accident Reports Statewide (20 DOT and News Reports)