Incident cleared in #Novato on US-101 (North Bay) NB before San Antonio Rd / Silveira Rnch Road, stopped traffic back to Atherton Ave/San Marin Dr #BayArea#Traffic
Stall on the Shoulder. in #Novato on US-101 (North Bay) NB before San Antonio Rd / Silveira Rnch Road, stopped traffic back to Atherton Ave/San Marin Dr #BayArea#Traffic
Stall. 2nd lane from the left blocked. in #Novato on US-101 (North Bay) NB before San Antonio Rd / Silveira Rnch Road, stopped traffic back to Atherton Ave/San Marin Dr #BayArea#Traffic
Disabled vehicle in #Novato on US-101 (North Bay) NB before San Antonio Rd / Silveira Rnch Road, stopped traffic back to Atherton Ave/San Marin Dr #BayArea#Traffic
A transit security vehicle is rear ended at the bus stop, only vehicle present, proceeding further east about a half of mile a dark color dodge with two white stripes going down the middle a person was out side of the vehicle at a fen looking towards[...]