FULTON CO - One right lane is blocked on I-75 N at Howell Mill Rd. (mm 252) due to road debris. Expect delays and use alt. routes. Est. end time: 4:30 pm #ATLtraffic #FultonCounty Updates: https://t.co/quKE1QkhSf https://t.co/Bc6SqR30qD
DOUGHERTY CO - One right lane is blocked on SR 520 W before N Jefferson St. due to police activity. Avoid travel in this direction and use alt. routes. Est. end time: 1:00 pm Updates: https://t.co/M0uSvV8pyA https://t.co/JBSEvue2t4
FULTON CO.- Middle lane blocked on 75/85 NB at Abernathy Blvd. (mm 246) due to a stall. Use caution in the area. #ATLtraffic Est. clear time: 12:00 pm UPDATE: https://t.co/5TIvnEvfJ0 https://t.co/ovoP5226zx
FULTON CO.- 3 left lanes blocked on I-85 NB before SR 13/Buford Hwy (mm 86) due to a crash. Use caution in the area. #ATLtraffic Est. clear time: 9:52 am UPDATE: https://t.co/PkzDXxsrit https://t.co/mGpTLvrMf2
Midtown: Stall blocking center lane on I-75/sb at Northside Drive (exit 252). Delays. https://t.co/hNLoOOFDS3
Fulton: Crash blocking center lane on I-75/sb near Northside Drive (exit 252). Delays. #ATLtraffic https://t.co/Xc07ryNVRh