I-5 Icon Current I-5 Washington Traffic Conditions

Length 276mi (Exit 1a to Exit 276)
Normal Travel Time 4 hours 13 mins
Current Travel Time4 hours 42 mins
Expected Delay29 minutes
WeatherFog Icon Fog - 35° F - 8 mph wind

I-5 Washington Live Traffic Cams

I-5 at MP 18.2: Paradise Point Traffic Camera
I-5 at MP 18.2: Paradise Point Traffic Cam
I-5 at MP 183.9: 164th St SW Traffic Camera
I-5 at MP 183.9: 164th St SW Traffic Cam
I-405 at MP 30.2: I-5 Interchange  (Alderwood) Traffic Camera
I-405 at MP 30.2: I-5 Interchange (Alderwood) Traffic Cam

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