4 days ago
SB Hwy881 S of Hwy956, 15km S of Anzac - Semi in the ditch. Expect alt. traffic and delays. (9:54am) #ABRoads #ymm
4 days ago
Hwy40 north of Wild Hay - MVC. Expect delays. (1:06am) #ABRoads
4 days ago
SB Hwy40, 40km N of jct Hwy16 - MVC. Expect delays in the area. (6:28pm) #ABRoads
4 days ago
NB Deerfoot Tr at 64 Ave NE, Calgary - MVC affecting multiple lanes. Expect delays. (5:12pm) #ABRoads #yyctraffic
4 days ago
Update: Hwy17 near Hwy774, N of Lloydminster - MVC is clear. Highway is OPEN. (2:50pm) #ABRoads https://t.co/JWr8JWDo1E
5 days ago
Update: SB Hwy63 at KM18, north of Atmore - stalled vehicle has been cleared. (12:28pm) #ABRoads https://t.co/22NZ5Z4h4P
5 days ago
Update: Hwy17 near Hwy774, N of Lloydminster - remains closed due to earlier MVC. Crews on scene, continue to use alt. route. (11:24am) #ABRoads https://t.co/juSCiS8V4c
5 days ago
Hwy17 near Hwy774, N of Lloydminster - Closed due to an MVC. Crews on scene, use alt. route. (7:54am) #ABRoads
5 days ago
Update: WB & EB Hwy4 btwn 47 St S and 58 St S, in Lethbridge - OPEN from previous MVC. (1:25am) #ABRoads #yql https://t.co/CLtFmJDE2e
5 days ago
Update: WB Hwy4 between 47 St S and 58 St S, in Lethbridge - CLOSED due to MVC. One EB lane has reopened. Stay to the right. (12:10am) #ABRoads #yql https://t.co/VQ4X95aWHG
5 days ago
Update: EB Stoney Tr SW ramps to Glenmore Tr, Calgary - CLOSED due to MVC. Access to EB Glenmore Tr from Crowchild Tr SW (12:06am) #ABRoads #yyctraffic https://t.co/fI45O4ctc5
5 days ago
SB Hwy63 at KM18, north of Atmore - stalled vehicle. Stay to the left and expect minor delays. (11:52pm) #ABRoads
5 days ago
EB Stoney Tr SW ramps to Glenmore Tr, Calgary - CLOSED due to MVC. Use an alternate route. (11:51pm) #ABRoads #yyctraffic
5 days ago
Update: SB Hwy2, south of jct Hwy18, east of Westlock - MVC is clear. All lanes are open. (10:46pm) #ABRoads https://t.co/KXlWUe53Fv
5 days ago
Update: EB & WB Hwy4 btwn 47 St S & 58 St S, in Lethbridge - CLOSED due to MVC. Emergency crews on scene. Use an alternate route. (10:35pm) #ABRoads #yql https://t.co/W9UBwyciDy
5 days ago
Update: WB Hwy4 after 58 St S, Lethbridge - MVC. Expect delays. (10:02pm) #ABRoads #yql https://t.co/c8peG3sUfF
5 days ago
Update: Hwy22X, 200m before jct Hwy24, east of Calgary - semi on fire has been cleared. (9:16pm) #ABRoads https://t.co/AQvS9kMIyW
5 days ago
Update: WB Hwy16, 2km before jct Hwy757, east of Entwistle - MVC is clear. (8:25pm) #ABRoads https://t.co/N57Ifg20vb
5 days ago
Update: EB Hwy16 approaching the McLeod River, east of Edson - MVC is clear. (7:25pm) #ABRoads https://t.co/Foi6NUMw5t
5 days ago
Update: SB Hwy2, south of jct Hwy18, east of Westlock - remains CLOSED for vehicle recovery. EB & WB Hwy18 and NB Hwy2, traffic is getting through slowly. Continue to expect delays. (6:51pm) #ABRoads https://t.co/XXgnCat4C4