How's the traffic right now?
NY-272 New York Accident Reports
DOT Accident and Construction Reports
TYPE: Miscellaneous
Road ClosedNYSDOT - Region 4: bridge replacement on Gillett Rd, CR-210 both directions over CSX rail TYPE: Construction Moderate
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Construction Serious
Road ClosedPixley Rd / County Hwy-160 Road is closed from Buffalo Rd (Pixley Rd) to NY-204 (Pixley Rd TYPE: Miscellaneous Serious
TYPE: Accident Serious
TYPE: Accident Serious
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Accident Serious
TYPE: Miscellaneous Serious
TYPE: Miscellaneous Serious
Road ClosedNY-383 / Exchange Blvd Road is closed from Plymouth Ave (Exchange Blvd) to W Broad St (Exc TYPE: Miscellaneous Serious
TYPE: Miscellaneous Serious
Road ClosedNYSDOT - Region 4: bridge rehabilitation and longterm construction on South Ave southbound TYPE: Construction Serious
Road ClosedNYSDOT - Region 4: bridge rehabilitation and longterm construction on NY 31 ramp to I-490 TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Miscellaneous Serious