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One dead following motorcycle, semi crash on Hwy. 71 Sunday night

No other patients were involved in the crash, ATCEMS officials said in a follow-up tweet. Extended traffic delays are anticipated and drivers are asked to avoid the area, if possible. The Texas ... > react

Open the Full Article - Posted 3 years ago

Joseph: I've been licenced and riding motorcycles since 1977 ,and have been involved in 6 accidents (4 on mc,2 in auto) .All were the fault of other driver. In the 2auto incidents I was compensated for only the allowed liability policy payout. 20000 split with doctor,lawyer, and myself@6666.00.each. The 4 mc incidents, resulted in my full coverage with pip, uim, unim(personal injury protection, uninsured motorist uninsurable illegal motorist). By reacting to avoid colliding with vehicle equals but 1 impact ( the road surface) being struck by at fault motorist means 2 impacts ( vehicle the the asphalt or concrete) 3 of the 4 took off leaving behind a injured human being. By the way, y'all know who you are. So for the cases involving mc/auto or just mc, public opinion is against the mc for the stigma surrounding riders as being crazy bikers out to steal y'all's wives and daughters. My current bike is already doing 60 mph before I leave the house according to public opinion. 3 years ago > REPLY

Joseph: Oops , I didn't proof read . 2 impacts are being first struck by vehicle and then impact from road surface. And I will guess 90 % of mc only accident is because by the time help arrives the at fault SOB has left the scene. Police are allowed to comment on the report what they think happened with rider not seeing report for 3 weeks ,by then insurance company runs with it. You can only use a police officer for wrongful death, nothing else. 3 years ago > REPLY

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