How's the traffic right now?
Current NJ-44T New Jersey Traffic Conditions
DOT Accident and Construction Reports
Road ClosedBridge rehabilitation on NJ 44 both directions CR 653/Swedesboro Rd (Greenwich Twp) to CR TYPE: Construction Serious
Road ClosedNJ DOT - TOC South: bridge rehabilitation on NJ 44 both directions CR 653/Swedesboro Rd (G TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Construction Moderate
Road ClosedDebris spill on US 322 westbound CR 607/Tomlin Station Rd (Harrison Twp) All lanes closed TYPE: Miscellaneous Moderate
TYPE: Miscellaneous Moderate
TYPE: Miscellaneous Moderate
TYPE: Miscellaneous Moderate
TYPE: Miscellaneous Moderate
Road ClosedRoadwork from exit [1] to Macdade Blvd. TYPE: Construction Serious