Driver killed in fiery Interstate 10 crash

A driver was killed early Saturday in a fiery crash on Interstate 10 East, according to police. Around 4 a.m., the driver was traveling on the interstate and lost control for unknown reasons, Baytown ... > react

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USer Comment bmarie792: I was there right after it happened me and my boyfriend saw the flames reaching up towards the sky. I looked at home and said what do we do we have to turn around and make sure whoever that is got out the car he said if they are alive we will probably have to get them out the car. We went back and sure enough there people trapped in the car but him and another man got three of them out of the care only one girl were still pinned and the firefighters showed up and had to help her ........3 cars stopped out of hundred that passed and never let up on the gas i thank god we went back now those people deaths are not on my conscience but they wouldve been if we didnt go back. The world has become sensitized to other people everyone is in that It not my problem attitude but all I could think was if that were my 2 daughters I would pray someone stopped and helped them 3 years ago > REPLY

USer Comment Coco: God bless you and your boyfriend ma’am. Thank you so much for stopping. We are neighbors with the family and I know they are very appreciative of your selfless act. Take care. 3 years ago > REPLY

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