EB Interstate 10 closed in West Valley after Monday morning crash

Traffic heading toward Phoenix from the outer West Valley was delayed Wednesday morning by a closure on Interstate 10, authorities said. > react

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USer Comment thedesertraven: Where are the details and the follow-up on this horrific crash yesterday morning on the I-10 eastbound just west of exit 117 -Watson Road? I was there and traffic was almost completely stopped for 30 minutes in the eastbound Lanes. I counted 24 emergency vehicles; including nine ambulances and fire trucks that passed me on the shoulder of the road. I looked and looked last night and there was one tiny mention of a specific for the incident. By the time I got to the actual scene and bear in mind this was 30 minutes later there was one vehicle off the shoulder of the road one vehicle horribly crunched to nothing between two big rigs and all the ambulances and fire trucks and the coroner had left. 3 years ago > REPLY

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