California August 2022 Archived Fatal Accidents

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Archived California Fairplex Dr Fatal Accidents Reported by Our Users

Accident on I-15
Barstow | California | I-15
Fatality/ fire[...]
2 years ago | By Anonymous | 474 views |

Archived California Fairplex Dr Fatal Accident Report From The News

Hanna Jocelyn Gomar Dies in Rear-End Car Accident on West Katella Avenue [Anaheim, CA]
california | Katella Ave |
ANAHEIM, CA (September 1, 2022) - Early Saturday morning, Hanna Jocelyn Gomar was killed in a rear-end car accident on West Katella Avenue. The crash happened on August 27th just before 3:00 a.m ...[...]
Aug 31, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Derrick Deon Flanders Killed in Pedestrian Crash on North Pacific Avenue [Huntington Beach, CA]
california | Flanders Dr |
HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Saturday morning, Derrick Deon Flanders died in a pedestrian crash on North Pacific Avenue. According to the California Highway Patrol, the incident ...[...]
Aug 29, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

One Dead, One Arrested after Wrong-Way Collision on State Route 52 [San Diego, CA]
california | CA-52 NEAR SAN DIEGO |
SAN DIEGO, CA (August 29, 2022) - Early Friday morning, police responded to a wrong-way collision on State Route 52 that killed one ... a.m. in the westbound lanes near Convoy Street and east ...[...]
Aug 28, 2022 7:45pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Spencer Thomas, Shane Rivera and 1 Other Killed in Car Crash on San Francisquito Canyon Road [Santa Clarita, CA]
california | San Francisquito Can |
SANTA CLARITA, CA (August 29, 2022) - Spencer Thomas, Shane Rivera and another were killed Sunday in a crash on San Francisquito Canyon Road. Authorities responded to the scene around 4:10 p.m ...[...]
Aug 28, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

One Killed, One Injured in Head-On Crash on 240th Street [Antelope Valley, CA]
california | 240th St E |
ANTELOPE VALLEY, CA (August 24, 2022 ... occurred shortly before 1:30 p.m. at the intersection of 240th Street and Avenue O, east of Lake Los Angeles. According to the investigators, one ...[...]
Aug 24, 2022 06:30am | 1 view | source: Bing

Raymond Garza Killed in Train Collision on Avenue 424 [Tulare County, CA]
california | Garza Ave |
TULARE COUNTY, CA (August 24, 2022) - Saturday morning, a car crash on Avenue 424 claimed the life of Raymond Garza and left a woman hurt. The incident happened on August 20th, just after 2:00 a ...[...]
Aug 23, 2022 4:59pm | 1 view | source: Bing

John Steven Alvarez Sr. Killed, Caroll Landers, Douglas Warren and William Hughes Hurt in Head-On Crash on Highway 20 [Upper Lake, CA]
Upper Lake | california | CA-20 |
UPPER LAKE, CA (August 23, 2022) - Thursday evening, John Steven Alvarez Sr. was killed and three were hurt in a head-on crash on Highway 20. The incident happened just before 5:00 p.m., near ...[...]
Aug 22, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Rose Avenue [Fresno, CA]
california | Bethel Ave |
CA (August 22, 2022) - One person died Thursday evening after a pedestrian accident on Rose Avenue. According to the report, the fatal incident happened around 9:45 p.m. on Rose and Bethel ...[...]
Aug 22, 2022 2:45pm | 0 view | source: Bing

Woman Killed, 1 Injured in Semi-Truck Crash on Taft Highway [Bakersfield, CA]
california | Taft Hwy |
BAKERSFIELD, CA (August 17, 2022) - Monday morning, an 80-year-old woman was killed in a semi-truck crash on Taft Highway. The incident happened around 7:30 a.m., near Buena Vista Road.[...]
Aug 17, 2022 00:31am | 1 view | source: Bing

One Dead, Two Hospitalized after Two-Vehicle Crash on Highway 395 [Victorville, CA]
california | US 395 Near Milford |
CA (August 16, 2022) - Late Thursday night, one person was killed and another was injured in a two-vehicle crash on Highway 395. The incident happened on August 11th, at about 11:04 p.m., near ...[...]
Aug 16, 2022 4:04pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Alani Aguilar Killed in Multi-Vehicle Collision on State Route 12 [Sonoma County, CA]
california | Sr 12 |
SONOMA COUNTY, CA (August 16, 2022) - Wednesday morning, a multi-vehicle collision on State Route 12 claimed the life of Alani Aguilar. Officers received reports around 8:00 a.m., on the ...[...]
Aug 15, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Man Fatally Injured in Semi-Truck Collision on Florin Road [Sacramento, CA]
california | Florin Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (August 8, 2022) - Early Thursday morning, a 22-year-old man was fatally injured in a semi-truck collision on Florin Road. The accident occurred around 5:00 a.m., at the ...[...]
Aug 07, 2022 10:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Roni Gage Fatally Struck DUI Pedestrian Collision on Dougherty Road [Dublin, CA]
california | Dougherty Rd |
DUBLIN, CA (August 5, 2022 ... The incident happened on July 31st, at around 10:00 p.m., near the 6200 block of Dougherty Road. According to Dublin Police, Gage was walking along the southbound ...[...]
Aug 04, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

One Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on Foothill Road [Santa Paula, CA]
california | Santa Paula Fwy |
SANTA PAULA, CA (August 4, 2022) - Saturday night, a two-vehicle crash on Foothill Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened around 10:50 p.m. on Foothill Road, west of Aliso ...[...]
Aug 04, 2022 3:50pm | 1 view | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Wilson Ranch Road [Phelan, CA]
california | Phelan Rd |
PHELAN, CA (August 3, 2022) - Monday morning, a pedestrian crash on Wilson Ranch Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened on August 1st, at around 5:00 a.m. between Smoketree ...[...]
Aug 02, 2022 10:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Rider Killed in Motorcycle Crash on State Route 12 [Lodi, CA]
california | Sr 12 |
LODI, CA (August 2, 2022) - Saturday evening, a police pursuit on State Route 12 ended in a motorcycle crash and claimed a rider's life. The incident happened at around 11:44 p.m., when ...[...]
Aug 02, 2022 4:44pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Nicole Lawson Dead, Daniel Zuzinec Arrested after DUI Collision on Painted Cave Road [Santa Barbara, CA]
california | Painted Cave Rd |
SANTA BARBARA, CA (August 3, 2022 ... fatally struck Lawson on Painted Cave Road, just north of Highway 154. Officers arrived at the area and found Lawson lifeless on the ground.[...]
Aug 02, 2022 2:45pm | 1 view | source: Bing

1 Dead, 4 Hospitalized after Wrong-Way Accident on Highway 29 [Napa, CA]
Napa | california | Sr-29 |
NAPA, CA (August 31, 2022) - Late Saturday night, one person was killed and four were injured in a wrong-way accident on Highway 29. The crash happened around 11:30 p.m., near George F.[...]
Aug 31, 2022 4:30pm | 0 view | source: Bing

Derrick Deon Flanders Killed in Pedestrian Crash on North Pacific Avenue [Huntington Beach, CA]
california | Flanders Dr |
HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Saturday morning, Derrick Deon Flanders died in a pedestrian crash on North Pacific Avenue. According to the California Highway Patrol, the incident ...[...]
Aug 29, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Spencer Thomas, Shane Rivera and 1 Other Killed in Car Crash on San Francisquito Canyon Road [Santa Clarita, CA]
california | San Francisquito Can |
SANTA CLARITA, CA (August 29, 2022) - Spencer Thomas, Shane Rivera and another were killed Sunday in a crash on San Francisquito Canyon Road. Authorities responded to the scene around 4:10 p.m ...[...]
Aug 28, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Vicente Ortega Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Highway 99 [Fresno, CA]
california | Ca Ortega Hwy |
FRESNO, CA (August 29, 2022) - Thursday evening, 21-year-old Vicente Ortega was killed in a ... pedestrian crash are available. However, California Highway Patrol will release more information ...[...]
Aug 28, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Man Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Mission Boulevard [Pomona, CA]
Pomona | california | W Mission Blvd |
POMONA, CA (August 26, 2022) - Wednesday morning, a pedestrian accident on Mission Boulevard claimed the life of one person in Pomona. According to the LA County Fire Department, the crash ...[...]
Aug 25, 2022 10:30pm | 1 view | source: Bing

One Killed, One Injured in Head-On Crash on 240th Street [Antelope Valley, CA]
california | 240th St E |
ANTELOPE VALLEY, CA (August 24, 2022 ... occurred shortly before 1:30 p.m. at the intersection of 240th Street and Avenue O, east of Lake Los Angeles. According to the investigators, one ...[...]
Aug 24, 2022 06:30am | 1 view | source: Bing

Raymond Garza Killed in Train Collision on Avenue 424 [Tulare County, CA]
california | Garza Ave |
TULARE COUNTY, CA (August 24, 2022) - Saturday morning, a car crash on Avenue 424 claimed the life of Raymond Garza and left a woman hurt. The incident happened on August 20th, just after 2:00 a ...[...]
Aug 23, 2022 4:59pm | 1 view | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Rose Avenue [Fresno, CA]
california | Bethel Ave |
CA (August 22, 2022) - One person died Thursday evening after a pedestrian accident on Rose Avenue. According to the report, the fatal incident happened around 9:45 p.m. on Rose and Bethel ...[...]
Aug 22, 2022 2:45pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Woman Killed, 1 Injured in Semi-Truck Crash on Taft Highway [Bakersfield, CA]
california | Taft Hwy |
BAKERSFIELD, CA (August 17, 2022) - Monday morning, an 80-year-old woman was killed in a semi-truck crash on Taft Highway. The incident happened around 7:30 a.m., near Buena Vista Road.[...]
Aug 17, 2022 00:31am | 1 view | source: Bing

One Dead, Two Hospitalized after Two-Vehicle Crash on Highway 395 [Victorville, CA]
california | N Hwy 395 |
VICTORVILLE, CA (August 16, 2022) - Late Thursday night, one person was killed and another was injured in a two-vehicle crash on Highway 395. The incident happened on August 11th, at about 11:04 ...[...]
Aug 16, 2022 4:04pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Man Fatally Injured in Semi-Truck Collision on Florin Road [Sacramento, CA]
california | Florin Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (August 8, 2022) - Early Thursday morning, a 22-year-old man was fatally injured in a semi-truck collision on Florin Road. The accident occurred around 5:00 a.m., at the ...[...]
Aug 07, 2022 10:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Roni Gage Fatally Struck DUI Pedestrian Collision on Dougherty Road [Dublin, CA]
california | Dougherty Rd |
DUBLIN, CA (August 5, 2022 ... The incident happened on July 31st, at around 10:00 p.m., near the 6200 block of Dougherty Road. According to Dublin Police, Gage was walking along the southbound ...[...]
Aug 04, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

One Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on Foothill Road [Santa Paula, CA]
california | Santa Paula Fwy |
SANTA PAULA, CA (August 4, 2022) - Saturday night, a two-vehicle crash on Foothill Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened around 10:50 p.m. on Foothill Road, west of Aliso ...[...]
Aug 04, 2022 3:50pm | 3 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Wilson Ranch Road [Phelan, CA]
california | Phelan Rd |
PHELAN, CA (August 3, 2022) - Monday morning, a pedestrian crash on Wilson Ranch Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened on August 1st, at around 5:00 a.m. between Smoketree ...[...]
Aug 02, 2022 10:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Nicole Lawson Dead, Daniel Zuzinec Arrested after DUI Collision on Painted Cave Road [Santa Barbara, CA]
california | Painted Cave Rd |
SANTA BARBARA, CA (August 3, 2022 ... fatally struck Lawson on Painted Cave Road, just north of Highway 154. Officers arrived at the area and found Lawson lifeless on the ground.[...]
Aug 02, 2022 2:45pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Derrick Deon Flanders Killed in Pedestrian Crash on North Pacific Avenue [Huntington Beach, CA]
california | Flanders Dr |
HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Saturday morning, Derrick Deon Flanders died in a pedestrian crash on North Pacific Avenue. According to the California Highway Patrol, the incident ...[...]
Aug 29, 2022 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Dr. Venu Gopal Killed in Solo-Car Crash on Highway 168 [Fresno, CA]
Fresno | california | CA-168 |
FRESNO, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Saturday morning, a solo-vehicle crash on Highway 168 claimed the life of ... Dr. Venu Gopal dead at the scene. The California Highway Patrol said that Dr ...[...]
Aug 29, 2022 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

One Killed, One Injured in Head-On Crash on 240th Street [Antelope Valley, CA]
california | 240th St E |
ANTELOPE VALLEY, CA (August 24, 2022 ... occurred shortly before 1:30 p.m. at the intersection of 240th Street and Avenue O, east of Lake Los Angeles. According to the investigators, one ...[...]
Aug 24, 2022 06:30am | 2 views | source: Bing

Raymond Garza Killed in Train Collision on Avenue 424 [Tulare County, CA]
california | Garza Ave |
TULARE COUNTY, CA (August 24, 2022) - Saturday morning, a car crash on Avenue 424 claimed the life of Raymond Garza and left a woman hurt. The incident happened on August 20th, just after 2:00 a ...[...]
Aug 23, 2022 4:59pm | 3 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Rose Avenue [Fresno, CA]
california | Bethel Ave |
CA (August 22, 2022) - One person died Thursday evening after a pedestrian accident on Rose Avenue. According to the report, the fatal incident happened around 9:45 p.m. on Rose and Bethel ...[...]
Aug 22, 2022 2:45pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Man Killed in Motorcycle Crash on Orangethorpe Avenue [Fullerton, CA]
california | Orangethorpe Ave |
FULLERTON, CA (August 18, 2022) - On Tuesday morning, a rider died in a motorcycle crash on Orangethorpe Avenue, authorities said. According to the police, the incident happened around 11:40 a.m ...[...]
Aug 18, 2022 04:40am | 2 views | source: Bing

Robert Colarossi Killed in Rear-End Accident on Interstate 10 [Beaumont, CA]
Beaumont | california | I-10 |
BEAUMONT, CA (August 18, 2022) - Early Tuesday morning, 51-year-old Robert Colarossi was killed in a rear-end accident on Interstate 10. Police responded to the westbound lanes of I-10 ...[...]
Aug 17, 2022 5:01pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Man Fatally Injured in Semi-Truck Collision on Florin Road [Sacramento, CA]
california | Florin Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (August 8, 2022) - Early Thursday morning, a 22-year-old man was fatally injured in a semi-truck collision on Florin Road. The accident occurred around 5:00 a.m., at the ...[...]
Aug 07, 2022 10:00pm | 4 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on Foothill Road [Santa Paula, CA]
california | Santa Paula Fwy |
SANTA PAULA, CA (August 4, 2022) - Saturday night, a two-vehicle crash on Foothill Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened around 10:50 p.m. on Foothill Road, west of Aliso ...[...]
Aug 04, 2022 3:50pm | 3 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Wilson Ranch Road [Phelan, CA]
california | Phelan Rd |
PHELAN, CA (August 3, 2022) - Monday morning, a pedestrian crash on Wilson Ranch Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened on August 1st, at around 5:00 a.m. between Smoketree ...[...]
Aug 02, 2022 10:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Nicole Lawson Dead, Daniel Zuzinec Arrested after DUI Collision on Painted Cave Road [Santa Barbara, CA]
california | Painted Cave Rd |
SANTA BARBARA, CA (August 3, 2022 ... fatally struck Lawson on Painted Cave Road, just north of Highway 154. Officers arrived at the area and found Lawson lifeless on the ground.[...]
Aug 02, 2022 2:45pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Derrick Deon Flanders Killed in Pedestrian Crash on North Pacific Avenue [Huntington Beach, CA]
california | Flanders Dr |
HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Saturday morning, Derrick Deon Flanders died in a pedestrian crash on North Pacific Avenue. According to the California Highway Patrol, the incident ...[...]
Aug 29, 2022 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

One Killed, One Injured in Head-On Crash on 240th Street [Antelope Valley, CA]
california | 240th St E |
ANTELOPE VALLEY, CA (August 24, 2022 ... occurred shortly before 1:30 p.m. at the intersection of 240th Street and Avenue O, east of Lake Los Angeles. According to the investigators, one ...[...]
Aug 24, 2022 06:30am | 2 views | source: Bing

Raymond Garza Killed in Train Collision on Avenue 424 [Tulare County, CA]
california | Garza Ave |
TULARE COUNTY, CA (August 24, 2022) - Saturday morning, a car crash on Avenue 424 claimed the life of Raymond Garza and left a woman hurt. The incident happened on August 20th, just after 2:00 a ...[...]
Aug 23, 2022 4:59pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Woman Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Highway 113 [Woodland, CA]
Woodland | california | CA-113 |
WOODLAND, CA (August 11, 2022) - Tuesday afternoon, a pedestrian crash on Highway 113 claimed the life of a woman from Woodland. The incident happened on State Route 113, north of West Covell ...[...]
Aug 10, 2022 5:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Man Fatally Injured in Semi-Truck Collision on Florin Road [Sacramento, CA]
california | Florin Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (August 8, 2022) - Early Thursday morning, a 22-year-old man was fatally injured in a semi-truck collision on Florin Road. The accident occurred around 5:00 a.m., at the ...[...]
Aug 07, 2022 10:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on Foothill Road [Santa Paula, CA]
california | Santa Paula Fwy |
SANTA PAULA, CA (August 4, 2022) - Saturday night, a two-vehicle crash on Foothill Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened around 10:50 p.m. on Foothill Road, west of Aliso ...[...]
Aug 04, 2022 3:50pm | 7 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Wilson Ranch Road [Phelan, CA]
california | Phelan Rd |
PHELAN, CA (August 3, 2022) - Monday morning, a pedestrian crash on Wilson Ranch Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened on August 1st, at around 5:00 a.m. between Smoketree ...[...]
Aug 02, 2022 10:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

One Dead, One Arrested after Wrong-Way Collision on State Route 52 [San Diego, CA]
california | CA-52 NEAR SAN DIEGO |
SAN DIEGO, CA (August 29, 2022) - Early Friday morning, police responded to a wrong-way collision on State Route 52 that killed one ... a.m. in the westbound lanes near Convoy Street and east ...[...]
Aug 28, 2022 7:45pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Vicente Ortega Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Highway 99 [Fresno, CA]
california | Ca Ortega Hwy |
FRESNO, CA (August 29, 2022) - Thursday evening, 21-year-old Vicente Ortega was killed in a ... pedestrian crash are available. However, California Highway Patrol will release more information ...[...]
Aug 28, 2022 5:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

One Killed, One Injured in Head-On Crash on 240th Street [Antelope Valley, CA]
california | 240th St E |
ANTELOPE VALLEY, CA (August 24, 2022 ... occurred shortly before 1:30 p.m. at the intersection of 240th Street and Avenue O, east of Lake Los Angeles. According to the investigators, one ...[...]
Aug 24, 2022 06:30am | 3 views | source: Bing

Man Killed in Electric Bike Accident on Val Vista Street [Pomona, CA]
california | Pomona Fwy E |
POMONA, CA (August 23, 2022) - Sunday evening, an e-bicycle accident on Val Vista ... just north of the Pomona Freeway. According to reports, the man was riding an electric bicycle in the ...[...]
Aug 23, 2022 10:00am | 3 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Rose Avenue [Fresno, CA]
california | Bethel Ave |
CA (August 22, 2022) - One person died Thursday evening after a pedestrian accident on Rose Avenue. According to the report, the fatal incident happened around 9:45 p.m. on Rose and Bethel ...[...]
Aug 22, 2022 2:45pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Robert Colarossi Killed in Rear-End Accident on Interstate 10 [Beaumont, CA]
Beaumont | california | I-10 |
BEAUMONT, CA (August 18, 2022) - Early Tuesday morning, 51-year-old Robert Colarossi was killed in a rear-end accident on Interstate 10. Police responded to the westbound lanes of I-10 ...[...]
Aug 17, 2022 5:01pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Woman Killed, 1 Injured in Semi-Truck Crash on Taft Highway [Bakersfield, CA]
california | Taft Hwy |
BAKERSFIELD, CA (August 17, 2022) - Monday morning, an 80-year-old woman was killed in a semi-truck crash on Taft Highway. The incident happened around 7:30 a.m., near Buena Vista Road.[...]
Aug 17, 2022 00:31am | 2 views | source: Bing

Jim Fuentes Killed in Head-On Crash on North Fruit Avenue [Fresno, CA]
california | N Fruit Ave |
FRESNO, CA (August 8, 2022) - 57-year-old Jim Fuentes lost his life Friday night, after a head-on collision on North Fruit Avenue. The incident happened just after 9:00 p.m., near Tenaya Way ...[...]
Aug 07, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Roni Gage Fatally Struck DUI Pedestrian Collision on Dougherty Road [Dublin, CA]
california | Dougherty Rd |
DUBLIN, CA (August 5, 2022 ... The incident happened on July 31st, at around 10:00 p.m., near the 6200 block of Dougherty Road. According to Dublin Police, Gage was walking along the southbound ...[...]
Aug 04, 2022 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on Foothill Road [Santa Paula, CA]
california | Santa Paula Fwy |
SANTA PAULA, CA (August 4, 2022) - Saturday night, a two-vehicle crash on Foothill Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened around 10:50 p.m. on Foothill Road, west of Aliso ...[...]
Aug 04, 2022 3:50pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Sergeant Matt Lewis Killed in Motorcycle Crash on Pico Avenue [Nuevo, CA]
california | 607 Pico Ave |
PERRIS, CA (August 4, 2022) - Monday evening, a motorcycle crash on Pico Avenue claimed the life of Sergeant Matt Lewis. The incident happened around 7:15 p.m., near Pico Avenue and Santa Rosa ...[...]
Aug 03, 2022 4:59pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Hanna Jocelyn Gomar Dies in Rear-End Car Accident on West Katella Avenue [Anaheim, CA]
california | Katella Ave |
ANAHEIM, CA (September 1, 2022) - Early Saturday morning, Hanna Jocelyn Gomar was killed in a rear-end car accident on West Katella Avenue. The crash happened on August 27th just before 3:00 a.m ...[...]
Aug 31, 2022 5:00pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Matias Meza Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Baseline Street [Highland, CA]
california | Baseline St |
HIGHLAND, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Thursday evening, a pedestrian accident on Baseline Street claimed the life of Matias Meza. According to the report, the fatal incident happened around 11:49 ...[...]
Aug 30, 2022 4:49pm | 6 views | source: Bing

One Dead, One Arrested after Wrong-Way Collision on State Route 52 [San Diego, CA]
california | CA-52 NEAR SAN DIEGO |
SAN DIEGO, CA (August 29, 2022) - Early Friday morning, police responded to a wrong-way collision on State Route 52 that killed one ... a.m. in the westbound lanes near Convoy Street and east ...[...]
Aug 28, 2022 7:45pm | 5 views | source: Bing

One Killed, One Injured in Head-On Crash on 240th Street [Antelope Valley, CA]
california | 240th St E |
ANTELOPE VALLEY, CA (August 24, 2022 ... occurred shortly before 1:30 p.m. at the intersection of 240th Street and Avenue O, east of Lake Los Angeles. According to the investigators, one ...[...]
Aug 24, 2022 06:30am | 4 views | source: Bing

Raymond Garza Killed in Train Collision on Avenue 424 [Tulare County, CA]
california | Garza Ave |
TULARE COUNTY, CA (August 24, 2022) - Saturday morning, a car crash on Avenue 424 claimed the life of Raymond Garza and left a woman hurt. The incident happened on August 20th, just after 2:00 a ...[...]
Aug 23, 2022 4:59pm | 4 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Rose Avenue [Fresno, CA]
Selma | california | S Bethel Ave |
FRESNO, CA (August 22 ... accident on Rose Avenue. According to the report, the fatal incident happened around 9:45 p.m. on Rose and Bethel Avenues, east of Selma. Unfortunately, the responding ...[...]
Aug 22, 2022 2:45pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Man Killed in Motorcycle Crash on Orangethorpe Avenue [Fullerton, CA]
california | Orangethorpe Ave |
FULLERTON, CA (August 18, 2022) - On Tuesday morning, a rider died in a motorcycle crash on Orangethorpe Avenue, authorities said. According to the police, the incident happened around 11:40 a.m ...[...]
Aug 18, 2022 04:40am | 2 views | source: Bing

One Dead, Two Hospitalized after Two-Vehicle Crash on Highway 395 [Victorville, CA]
california | N Hwy 395 |
VICTORVILLE, CA (August 16, 2022) - Late Thursday night, one person was killed and another was injured in a two-vehicle crash on Highway 395. The incident happened on August 11th, at about 11:04 ...[...]
Aug 16, 2022 4:04pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Woman Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Highway 113 [Woodland, CA]
california | CA-113 |
WOODLAND, CA (August 11, 2022) - Tuesday afternoon, a pedestrian crash on Highway 113 claimed the life of a woman from Woodland. The incident happened on State Route 113, north of West Covell ...[...]
Aug 10, 2022 5:00pm | 5 views | source: Bing

Man Fatally Injured in Semi-Truck Collision on Florin Road [Sacramento, CA]
california | Florin Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (August 8, 2022) - Early Thursday morning, a 22-year-old man was fatally injured in a semi-truck collision on Florin Road. The accident occurred around 5:00 a.m., at the ...[...]
Aug 07, 2022 10:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on Foothill Road [Santa Paula, CA]
california | Santa Paula Fwy |
SANTA PAULA, CA (August 4, 2022) - Saturday night, a two-vehicle crash on Foothill Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened around 10:50 p.m. on Foothill Road, west of Aliso ...[...]
Aug 04, 2022 3:50pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Sergeant Matt Lewis Killed in Motorcycle Crash on Pico Avenue [Nuevo, CA]
california | 607 Pico Ave |
PERRIS, CA (August 4, 2022) - Monday evening, a motorcycle crash on Pico Avenue claimed the life of Sergeant Matt Lewis. The incident happened around 7:15 p.m., near Pico Avenue and Santa Rosa ...[...]
Aug 03, 2022 4:59pm | 4 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Wilson Ranch Road [Phelan, CA]
california | Phelan Rd |
PHELAN, CA (August 3, 2022) - Monday morning, a pedestrian crash on Wilson Ranch Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened on August 1st, at around 5:00 a.m. between Smoketree ...[...]
Aug 02, 2022 10:00pm | 5 views | source: Bing

Nicole Lawson Dead, Daniel Zuzinec Arrested after DUI Collision on Painted Cave Road [Santa Barbara, CA]
california | Painted Cave Rd |
SANTA BARBARA, CA (August 3, 2022 ... fatally struck Lawson on Painted Cave Road, just north of Highway 154. Officers arrived at the area and found Lawson lifeless on the ground.[...]
Aug 02, 2022 2:45pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Matias Meza Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Baseline Street [Highland, CA]
california | Baseline St |
HIGHLAND, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Thursday evening, a pedestrian accident on Baseline Street claimed the life of Matias Meza. According to the report, the fatal incident happened around 11:49 ...[...]
Aug 30, 2022 4:49pm | 2 views | source: Bing

One Dead, One Arrested after Wrong-Way Collision on State Route 52 [San Diego, CA]
california | CA-52 NEAR SAN DIEGO |
SAN DIEGO, CA (August 29, 2022) - Early Friday morning, police responded to a wrong-way collision on State Route 52 that killed one ... a.m. in the westbound lanes near Convoy Street and east ...[...]
Aug 28, 2022 7:45pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Vicente Ortega Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Highway 99 [Fresno, CA]
california | Ca Ortega Hwy |
FRESNO, CA (August 29, 2022) - Thursday evening, 21-year-old Vicente Ortega was killed in a ... pedestrian crash are available. However, California Highway Patrol will release more information ...[...]
Aug 28, 2022 5:00pm | 5 views | source: Bing

One Killed, One Injured in Head-On Crash on 240th Street [Antelope Valley, CA]
california | 240th St E |
ANTELOPE VALLEY, CA (August 24, 2022 ... occurred shortly before 1:30 p.m. at the intersection of 240th Street and Avenue O, east of Lake Los Angeles. According to the investigators, one ...[...]
Aug 24, 2022 06:30am | 4 views | source: Bing

Raymond Garza Killed in Train Collision on Avenue 424 [Tulare County, CA]
california | Garza Ave |
TULARE COUNTY, CA (August 24, 2022) - Saturday morning, a car crash on Avenue 424 claimed the life of Raymond Garza and left a woman hurt. The incident happened on August 20th, just after 2:00 a ...[...]
Aug 23, 2022 4:59pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Robert Colarossi Killed in Rear-End Accident on Interstate 10 [Beaumont, CA]
california | I-10 Near Beaumont |
BEAUMONT, CA (August 18, 2022) - Early Tuesday morning, 51-year-old Robert Colarossi was killed in a rear-end accident on Interstate 10. Police responded to the westbound lanes of I-10 ...[...]
Aug 17, 2022 5:01pm | 3 views | source: Bing

One Dead, Two Hospitalized after Two-Vehicle Crash on Highway 395 [Victorville, CA]
california | N Hwy 395 |
VICTORVILLE, CA (August 16, 2022) - Late Thursday night, one person was killed and another was injured in a two-vehicle crash on Highway 395. The incident happened on August 11th, at about 11:04 ...[...]
Aug 16, 2022 4:04pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Alani Aguilar Killed in Multi-Vehicle Collision on State Route 12 [Sonoma County, CA]
california | Sr 12 |
SONOMA COUNTY, CA (August 16, 2022) - Wednesday morning, a multi-vehicle collision on State Route 12 claimed the life of Alani Aguilar. Officers received reports around 8:00 a.m., on the ...[...]
Aug 15, 2022 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Woman Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Highway 113 [Woodland, CA]
california | CA-113 |
WOODLAND, CA (August 11, 2022) - Tuesday afternoon, a pedestrian crash on Highway 113 claimed the life of a woman from Woodland. The incident happened on State Route 113, north of West Covell ...[...]
Aug 10, 2022 5:00pm | 7 views | source: Bing

Man Fatally Injured in Semi-Truck Collision on Florin Road [Sacramento, CA]
california | Florin Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (August 8, 2022) - Early Thursday morning, a 22-year-old man was fatally injured in a semi-truck collision on Florin Road. The accident occurred around 5:00 a.m., at the ...[...]
Aug 07, 2022 10:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Jim Fuentes Killed in Head-On Crash on North Fruit Avenue [Fresno, CA]
california | N Fruit Ave |
FRESNO, CA (August 8, 2022) - 57-year-old Jim Fuentes lost his life Friday night, after a head-on collision on North Fruit Avenue. The incident happened just after 9:00 p.m., near Tenaya Way ...[...]
Aug 07, 2022 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Roni Gage Fatally Struck DUI Pedestrian Collision on Dougherty Road [Dublin, CA]
california | Dougherty Rd |
DUBLIN, CA (August 5, 2022 ... The incident happened on July 31st, at around 10:00 p.m., near the 6200 block of Dougherty Road. According to Dublin Police, Gage was walking along the southbound ...[...]
Aug 04, 2022 5:00pm | 5 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on Foothill Road [Santa Paula, CA]
california | Santa Paula Fwy |
SANTA PAULA, CA (August 4, 2022) - Saturday night, a two-vehicle crash on Foothill Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened around 10:50 p.m. on Foothill Road, west of Aliso ...[...]
Aug 04, 2022 3:50pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Sergeant Matt Lewis Killed in Motorcycle Crash on Pico Avenue [Nuevo, CA]
california | N Pico Ave |
PERRIS, CA (August 4, 2022) - Monday evening, a motorcycle crash on Pico Avenue claimed the life of Sergeant Matt Lewis. The incident happened around 7:15 p.m., near Pico Avenue and Santa Rosa ...[...]
Aug 03, 2022 4:59pm | 2 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Wilson Ranch Road [Phelan, CA]
california | Phelan Rd |
PHELAN, CA (August 3, 2022) - Monday morning, a pedestrian crash on Wilson Ranch Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened on August 1st, at around 5:00 a.m. between Smoketree ...[...]
Aug 02, 2022 10:00pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Rider Killed in Motorcycle Crash on State Route 12 [Lodi, CA]
california | Sr 12 |
LODI, CA (August 2, 2022) - Saturday evening, a police pursuit on State Route 12 ended in a motorcycle crash and claimed a rider's life. The incident happened at around 11:44 p.m., when ...[...]
Aug 02, 2022 4:44pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Nicole Lawson Dead, Daniel Zuzinec Arrested after DUI Collision on Painted Cave Road [Santa Barbara, CA]
california | Painted Cave Rd |
SANTA BARBARA, CA (August 3, 2022 ... fatally struck Lawson on Painted Cave Road, just north of Highway 154. Officers arrived at the area and found Lawson lifeless on the ground.[...]
Aug 02, 2022 2:45pm | 6 views | source: Bing

Matias Meza Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Baseline Street [Highland, CA]
california | Baseline St |
HIGHLAND, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Thursday evening, a pedestrian accident on Baseline Street claimed the life of Matias Meza. According to the report, the fatal incident happened around 11:49 ...[...]
Aug 30, 2022 4:49pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Dr. Venu Gopal Killed in Solo-Car Crash on Highway 168 [Fresno, CA]
california | 24074 Highway 168 |
FRESNO, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Saturday morning, a solo-vehicle crash on Highway 168 claimed the life of ... Dr. Venu Gopal dead at the scene. The California Highway Patrol said that Dr ...[...]
Aug 29, 2022 5:00pm | 4 views | source: Bing

One Dead, One Arrested after Wrong-Way Collision on State Route 52 [San Diego, CA]
california | CA-52 NEAR SAN DIEGO |
SAN DIEGO, CA (August 29, 2022) - Early Friday morning, police responded to a wrong-way collision on State Route 52 that killed one ... a.m. in the westbound lanes near Convoy Street and east ...[...]
Aug 28, 2022 7:45pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Vicente Ortega Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Highway 99 [Fresno, CA]
california | Ca Ortega Hwy |
FRESNO, CA (August 29, 2022) - Thursday evening, 21-year-old Vicente Ortega was killed in a ... pedestrian crash are available. However, California Highway Patrol will release more information ...[...]
Aug 28, 2022 5:00pm | 5 views | source: Bing

One Killed, One Injured in Head-On Crash on 240th Street [Antelope Valley, CA]
california | 240th St E |
ANTELOPE VALLEY, CA (August 24, 2022 ... occurred shortly before 1:30 p.m. at the intersection of 240th Street and Avenue O, east of Lake Los Angeles. According to the investigators, one ...[...]
Aug 24, 2022 06:30am | 3 views | source: Bing

Raymond Garza Killed in Train Collision on Avenue 424 [Tulare County, CA]
california | Garza Ave |
TULARE COUNTY, CA (August 24, 2022) - Saturday morning, a car crash on Avenue 424 claimed the life of Raymond Garza and left a woman hurt. The incident happened on August 20th, just after 2:00 a ...[...]
Aug 23, 2022 4:59pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Man Killed in Electric Bike Accident on Val Vista Street [Pomona, CA]
california | Pomona Fwy E |
POMONA, CA (August 23, 2022) - Sunday evening, an e-bicycle accident on Val Vista ... just north of the Pomona Freeway. According to reports, the man was riding an electric bicycle in the ...[...]
Aug 23, 2022 10:00am | 4 views | source: Bing

Woman Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Highway 113 [Woodland, CA]
california | Sr 113 |
WOODLAND, CA (August 11, 2022) - Tuesday afternoon, a pedestrian crash on Highway 113 claimed the life of a woman from Woodland. The incident happened on State Route 113, north of West Covell ...[...]
Aug 10, 2022 5:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Man Fatally Injured in Semi-Truck Collision on Florin Road [Sacramento, CA]
california | Florin Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (August 8, 2022) - Early Thursday morning, a 22-year-old man was fatally injured in a semi-truck collision on Florin Road. The accident occurred around 5:00 a.m., at the ...[...]
Aug 07, 2022 10:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Jim Fuentes Killed in Head-On Crash on North Fruit Avenue [Fresno, CA]
california | N Fruit Ave |
FRESNO, CA (August 8, 2022) - 57-year-old Jim Fuentes lost his life Friday night, after a head-on collision on North Fruit Avenue. The incident happened just after 9:00 p.m., near Tenaya Way ...[...]
Aug 07, 2022 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Roni Gage Fatally Struck DUI Pedestrian Collision on Dougherty Road [Dublin, CA]
california | Dougherty Rd |
DUBLIN, CA (August 5, 2022 ... The incident happened on July 31st, at around 10:00 p.m., near the 6200 block of Dougherty Road. According to Dublin Police, Gage was walking along the southbound ...[...]
Aug 04, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

One Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on Foothill Road [Santa Paula, CA]
california | Santa Paula Fwy |
SANTA PAULA, CA (August 4, 2022) - Saturday night, a two-vehicle crash on Foothill Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened around 10:50 p.m. on Foothill Road, west of Aliso ...[...]
Aug 04, 2022 3:50pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Sergeant Matt Lewis Killed in Motorcycle Crash on Pico Avenue [Nuevo, CA]
california | 607 Pico Ave |
PERRIS, CA (August 4, 2022) - Monday evening, a motorcycle crash on Pico Avenue claimed the life of Sergeant Matt Lewis. The incident happened around 7:15 p.m., near Pico Avenue and Santa Rosa ...[...]
Aug 03, 2022 4:59pm | 7 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Wilson Ranch Road [Phelan, CA]
california | Phelan Rd |
PHELAN, CA (August 3, 2022) - Monday morning, a pedestrian crash on Wilson Ranch Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened on August 1st, at around 5:00 a.m. between Smoketree ...[...]
Aug 02, 2022 10:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Nicole Lawson Dead, Daniel Zuzinec Arrested after DUI Collision on Painted Cave Road [Santa Barbara, CA]
california | Painted Cave Rd |
SANTA BARBARA, CA (August 3, 2022 ... fatally struck Lawson on Painted Cave Road, just north of Highway 154. Officers arrived at the area and found Lawson lifeless on the ground.[...]
Aug 02, 2022 2:45pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Matias Meza Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Baseline Street [Highland, CA]
california | Baseline St |
HIGHLAND, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Thursday evening, a pedestrian accident on Baseline Street claimed the life of Matias Meza. According to the report, the fatal incident happened around 11:49 ...[...]
Aug 30, 2022 4:49pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Dr. Venu Gopal Killed in Solo-Car Crash on Highway 168 [Fresno, CA]
california | 24074 Highway 168 |
FRESNO, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Saturday morning, a solo-vehicle crash on Highway 168 claimed the life of ... Dr. Venu Gopal dead at the scene. The California Highway Patrol said that Dr ...[...]
Aug 29, 2022 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Vicente Ortega Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Highway 99 [Fresno, CA]
california | 35753 Ortega Hwy |
FRESNO, CA (August 29, 2022) - Thursday evening, 21-year-old Vicente Ortega was killed in a ... pedestrian crash are available. However, California Highway Patrol will release more information ...[...]
Aug 28, 2022 5:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

One Killed, One Injured in Head-On Crash on 240th Street [Antelope Valley, CA]
california | 240th St E |
ANTELOPE VALLEY, CA (August 24, 2022 ... occurred shortly before 1:30 p.m. at the intersection of 240th Street and Avenue O, east of Lake Los Angeles. According to the investigators, one ...[...]
Aug 24, 2022 06:30am | 3 views | source: Bing

Raymond Garza Killed in Train Collision on Avenue 424 [Tulare County, CA]
california | Garza Ave |
TULARE COUNTY, CA (August 24, 2022) - Saturday morning, a car crash on Avenue 424 claimed the life of Raymond Garza and left a woman hurt. The incident happened on August 20th, just after 2:00 a ...[...]
Aug 23, 2022 4:59pm | 4 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Rose Avenue [Fresno, CA]
california | Bethel Ave |
CA (August 22, 2022) - One person died Thursday evening after a pedestrian accident on Rose Avenue. According to the report, the fatal incident happened around 9:45 p.m. on Rose and Bethel ...[...]
Aug 22, 2022 2:45pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Motorcyclist Killed in Horse-Trailer Collision on Interstate 5 [Camp Pendleton, CA]
Camp Pendleton | california | I-5 |
CAMP PENDLETON, CA (August 19, 2022) - Early Wednesday morning, Griffin Williams was killed in a horse-trailer collision on Interstate 5. The incident happened around 12:30 a.m., just north of ...[...]
Aug 18, 2022 5:00pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Jose Ramirez, Vincent Ramirez Involved in Fatal Crash on Highway 299 [Fall River Mills, CA]
california | State Highway 299 E |
FALL RIVER MILLS, CA (August 18, 2022) - Saturday, Jose Ramirez and Vincent Ramirez were involved in a fatal crash on Highway 299. The incident ... Investigators state that the woman crossed ...[...]
Aug 17, 2022 5:01pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Roni Gage Fatally Struck DUI Pedestrian Collision on Dougherty Road [Dublin, CA]
california | Dougherty Rd |
DUBLIN, CA (August 5, 2022 ... The incident happened on July 31st, at around 10:00 p.m., near the 6200 block of Dougherty Road. According to Dublin Police, Gage was walking along the southbound ...[...]
Aug 04, 2022 5:00pm | 6 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on Foothill Road [Santa Paula, CA]
california | Santa Paula Fwy |
SANTA PAULA, CA (August 4, 2022) - Saturday night, a two-vehicle crash on Foothill Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened around 10:50 p.m. on Foothill Road, west of Aliso ...[...]
Aug 04, 2022 3:50pm | 5 views | source: Bing

Sergeant Matt Lewis Killed in Motorcycle Crash on Pico Avenue [Nuevo, CA]
california | 607 Pico Ave |
PERRIS, CA (August 4, 2022) - Monday evening, a motorcycle crash on Pico Avenue claimed the life of Sergeant Matt Lewis. The incident happened around 7:15 p.m., near Pico Avenue and Santa Rosa ...[...]
Aug 03, 2022 4:59pm | 2 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Wilson Ranch Road [Phelan, CA]
california | Phelan Rd |
PHELAN, CA (August 3, 2022) - Monday morning, a pedestrian crash on Wilson Ranch Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened on August 1st, at around 5:00 a.m. between Smoketree ...[...]
Aug 02, 2022 10:00pm | 5 views | source: Bing

Nicole Lawson Dead, Daniel Zuzinec Arrested after DUI Collision on Painted Cave Road [Santa Barbara, CA]
california | Painted Cave Rd |
SANTA BARBARA, CA (August 3, 2022 ... fatally struck Lawson on Painted Cave Road, just north of Highway 154. Officers arrived at the area and found Lawson lifeless on the ground.[...]
Aug 02, 2022 2:45pm | 5 views | source: Bing

Matias Meza Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Baseline Street [Highland, CA]
california | 2153 Baseline St |
HIGHLAND, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Thursday evening, a pedestrian accident on Baseline Street claimed the life of Matias Meza. According to the report, the fatal incident happened around 11:49 ...[...]
Aug 30, 2022 4:49pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Dr. Venu Gopal Killed in Solo-Car Crash on Highway 168 [Fresno, CA]
california | 24074 Highway 168 |
FRESNO, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Saturday morning, a solo-vehicle crash on Highway 168 claimed the life of ... Dr. Venu Gopal dead at the scene. The California Highway Patrol said that Dr ...[...]
Aug 29, 2022 5:00pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Vicente Ortega Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Highway 99 [Fresno, CA]
california | Ca Ortega Hwy |
FRESNO, CA (August 29, 2022) - Thursday evening, 21-year-old Vicente Ortega was killed in a ... pedestrian crash are available. However, California Highway Patrol will release more information ...[...]
Aug 28, 2022 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Raymond Garza Killed in Train Collision on Avenue 424 [Tulare County, CA]
california | Garza Ave |
TULARE COUNTY, CA (August 24, 2022) - Saturday morning, a car crash on Avenue 424 claimed the life of Raymond Garza and left a woman hurt. The incident happened on August 20th, just after 2:00 a ...[...]
Aug 23, 2022 4:59pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Man Killed in Electric Bike Accident on Val Vista Street [Pomona, CA]
california | Pomona Fwy E |
POMONA, CA (August 23, 2022) - Sunday evening, an e-bicycle accident on Val Vista ... just north of the Pomona Freeway. According to reports, the man was riding an electric bicycle in the ...[...]
Aug 23, 2022 10:00am | 4 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Rose Avenue [Fresno, CA]
california | Bethel Ave |
CA (August 22, 2022) - One person died Thursday evening after a pedestrian accident on Rose Avenue. According to the report, the fatal incident happened around 9:45 p.m. on Rose and Bethel ...[...]
Aug 22, 2022 2:45pm | 6 views | source: Bing

Motorcyclist Killed in Horse-Trailer Collision on Interstate 5 [Camp Pendleton, CA]
Camp Pendleton South | california | I-5 |
CAMP PENDLETON, CA (August 19, 2022) - Early Wednesday morning, Griffin Williams was killed in a horse-trailer collision on Interstate 5. The incident happened around 12:30 a.m., just north of ...[...]
Aug 18, 2022 5:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Jose Ramirez, Vincent Ramirez Involved in Fatal Crash on Highway 299 [Fall River Mills, CA]
california | State Highway 299 E |
FALL RIVER MILLS, CA (August 18, 2022) - Saturday, Jose Ramirez and Vincent Ramirez were involved in a fatal crash on Highway 299. The incident ... Investigators state that the woman crossed ...[...]
Aug 17, 2022 5:01pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Woman Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Highway 113 [Woodland, CA]
california | CA-113 |
WOODLAND, CA (August 11, 2022) - Tuesday afternoon, a pedestrian crash on Highway 113 claimed the life of a woman from Woodland. The incident happened on State Route 113, north of West Covell ...[...]
Aug 10, 2022 5:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Man Fatally Injured in Semi-Truck Collision on Florin Road [Sacramento, CA]
california | Florin Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (August 8, 2022) - Early Thursday morning, a 22-year-old man was fatally injured in a semi-truck collision on Florin Road. The accident occurred around 5:00 a.m., at the ...[...]
Aug 07, 2022 10:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Jim Fuentes Killed in Head-On Crash on North Fruit Avenue [Fresno, CA]
california | N Fruit Ave |
FRESNO, CA (August 8, 2022) - 57-year-old Jim Fuentes lost his life Friday night, after a head-on collision on North Fruit Avenue. The incident happened just after 9:00 p.m., near Tenaya Way ...[...]
Aug 07, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

One Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on Foothill Road [Santa Paula, CA]
california | Paula St |
SANTA PAULA, CA (August 4, 2022) - Saturday night, a two-vehicle crash on Foothill Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened around 10:50 p.m. on Foothill Road, west of Aliso ...[...]
Aug 04, 2022 3:50pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Sergeant Matt Lewis Killed in Motorcycle Crash on Pico Avenue [Nuevo, CA]
california | 607 Pico Ave |
PERRIS, CA (August 4, 2022) - Monday evening, a motorcycle crash on Pico Avenue claimed the life of Sergeant Matt Lewis. The incident happened around 7:15 p.m., near Pico Avenue and Santa Rosa ...[...]
Aug 03, 2022 4:59pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Colin Crocker, Evan Parker Killed in Fiery Crash on SR-193 [Placer County, CA]
california | Crocker Ave |
PLACER COUNTY, CA (August 4, 2022) - Colin Crocker and Evan Parker were killed in a fiery crash on State Route 193. The deadly single-vehicle accident took place near Newcastle on July 21st ...[...]
Aug 03, 2022 4:59pm | 1 view | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Wilson Ranch Road [Phelan, CA]
california | Phelan Rd |
PHELAN, CA (August 3, 2022) - Monday morning, a pedestrian crash on Wilson Ranch Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened on August 1st, at around 5:00 a.m. between Smoketree ...[...]
Aug 02, 2022 10:00pm | 6 views | source: Bing

Rider Killed in Motorcycle Crash on State Route 12 [Lodi, CA]
california | State Route 12 |
a police pursuit on State Route 12 ended in a motorcycle crash and claimed a rider's life. The incident happened at around 11:44 p.m., when California Highway Patrol spotted a motorcyclist ...[...]
Aug 02, 2022 4:44pm | 8 views | source: Bing

Nicole Lawson Dead, Daniel Zuzinec Arrested after DUI Collision on Painted Cave Road [Santa Barbara, CA]
california | Painted Cave Rd |
SANTA BARBARA, CA (August 3, 2022 ... fatally struck Lawson on Painted Cave Road, just north of Highway 154. Officers arrived at the area and found Lawson lifeless on the ground.[...]
Aug 02, 2022 2:45pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Matias Meza Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Baseline Street [Highland, CA]
california | Baseline St |
HIGHLAND, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Thursday evening, a pedestrian accident on Baseline Street claimed the life of Matias Meza. According to the report, the fatal incident happened around 11:49 ...[...]
Aug 30, 2022 4:49pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Dr. Venu Gopal Killed in Solo-Car Crash on Highway 168 [Fresno, CA]
california | 24074 Highway 168 |
FRESNO, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Saturday morning, a solo-vehicle crash on Highway 168 claimed the life of ... Dr. Venu Gopal dead at the scene. The California Highway Patrol said that Dr ...[...]
Aug 29, 2022 5:00pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Vicente Ortega Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Highway 99 [Fresno, CA]
california | 31387 Ortega Hwy |
FRESNO, CA (August 29, 2022) - Thursday evening, 21-year-old Vicente Ortega was killed in a ... pedestrian crash are available. However, California Highway Patrol will release more information ...[...]
Aug 28, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Raymond Garza Killed in Train Collision on Avenue 424 [Tulare County, CA]
california | Garza Ave |
TULARE COUNTY, CA (August 24, 2022) - Saturday morning, a car crash on Avenue 424 claimed the life of Raymond Garza and left a woman hurt. The incident happened on August 20th, just after 2:00 a ...[...]
Aug 23, 2022 4:59pm | 2 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Rose Avenue [Fresno, CA]
california | Bethel Ave |
CA (August 22, 2022) - One person died Thursday evening after a pedestrian accident on Rose Avenue. According to the report, the fatal incident happened around 9:45 p.m. on Rose and Bethel ...[...]
Aug 22, 2022 2:45pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Motorcyclist Killed in Horse-Trailer Collision on Interstate 5 [Camp Pendleton, CA]
Camp Pendleton | california | I-5 |
CAMP PENDLETON, CA (August 19, 2022) - Early Wednesday morning, Griffin Williams was killed in a horse-trailer collision on Interstate 5. The incident happened around 12:30 a.m., just north of ...[...]
Aug 18, 2022 5:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Marty Sparling Dead, Erika Romero-Aguilar at Large after Bicycle Accident on US Highway 395 [Adelanto, CA]
Adelanto | california | US 395 |
ADELANTO, CA (August 10, 2022) - Saturday night, Marty Sparling was fatally struck in a hit-and-run bicycle accident on US Highway 395. The incident occurred around 10:21 p.m., near Cactus Road.[...]
Aug 09, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Man Fatally Injured in Semi-Truck Collision on Florin Road [Sacramento, CA]
california | Florin Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (August 8, 2022) - Early Thursday morning, a 22-year-old man was fatally injured in a semi-truck collision on Florin Road. The accident occurred around 5:00 a.m., at the ...[...]
Aug 07, 2022 10:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Jim Fuentes Killed in Head-On Crash on North Fruit Avenue [Fresno, CA]
california | Fruit Ave |
FRESNO, CA (August 8, 2022) - 57-year-old Jim Fuentes lost his life Friday night, after a head-on collision on North Fruit Avenue. The incident happened just after 9:00 p.m., near Tenaya Way ...[...]
Aug 07, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Sergeant Matt Lewis Killed in Motorcycle Crash on Pico Avenue [Nuevo, CA]
california | 120 Pico Ave |
PERRIS, CA (August 4, 2022) - Monday evening, a motorcycle crash on Pico Avenue claimed the life of Sergeant Matt Lewis. The incident happened around 7:15 p.m., near Pico Avenue and Santa Rosa ...[...]
Aug 03, 2022 4:59pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Martin Contreras Killed in Hit-and-Run on Sierra Highway [Lancaster, CA]
california | 27140 Sierra Hwy |
LANCASTER, CA (August 4, 2022) - Early Monday morning, Martin Contreras was fatally struck in a motorcycle crash on Sierra Highway. The incident happened around 12:51 a.m., just north of Avenue I.[...]
Aug 03, 2022 4:59pm | 3 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Wilson Ranch Road [Phelan, CA]
california | Phelan Rd |
PHELAN, CA (August 3, 2022) - Monday morning, a pedestrian crash on Wilson Ranch Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened on August 1st, at around 5:00 a.m. between Smoketree ...[...]
Aug 02, 2022 10:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Nicole Lawson Dead, Daniel Zuzinec Arrested after DUI Collision on Painted Cave Road [Santa Barbara, CA]
california | Painted Cave Rd |
SANTA BARBARA, CA (August 3, 2022 ... fatally struck Lawson on Painted Cave Road, just north of Highway 154. Officers arrived at the area and found Lawson lifeless on the ground.[...]
Aug 02, 2022 2:45pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Matias Meza Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Baseline Street [Highland, CA]
california | 2153 Baseline St |
HIGHLAND, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Thursday evening, a pedestrian accident on Baseline Street claimed the life of Matias Meza. According to the report, the fatal incident happened around 11:49 ...[...]
Aug 30, 2022 4:49pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Dr. Venu Gopal Killed in Solo-Car Crash on Highway 168 [Fresno, CA]
california | 24074 Highway 168 |
FRESNO, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Saturday morning, a solo-vehicle crash on Highway 168 claimed the life of ... Dr. Venu Gopal dead at the scene. The California Highway Patrol said that Dr ...[...]
Aug 29, 2022 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Vicente Ortega Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Highway 99 [Fresno, CA]
california | Ca Ortega Hwy |
FRESNO, CA (August 29, 2022) - Thursday evening, 21-year-old Vicente Ortega was killed in a ... pedestrian crash are available. However, California Highway Patrol will release more information ...[...]
Aug 28, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Raymond Garza Killed in Train Collision on Avenue 424 [Tulare County, CA]
california | Garza Ave |
TULARE COUNTY, CA (August 24, 2022) - Saturday morning, a car crash on Avenue 424 claimed the life of Raymond Garza and left a woman hurt. The incident happened on August 20th, just after 2:00 a ...[...]
Aug 23, 2022 4:59pm | 3 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Rose Avenue [Fresno, CA]
california | Bethel Ave |
CA (August 22, 2022) - One person died Thursday evening after a pedestrian accident on Rose Avenue. According to the report, the fatal incident happened around 9:45 p.m. on Rose and Bethel ...[...]
Aug 22, 2022 2:45pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Motorcyclist Killed in Horse-Trailer Collision on Interstate 5 [Camp Pendleton, CA]
Camp Pendleton | california | I-5 |
CAMP PENDLETON, CA (August 19, 2022) - Early Wednesday morning, Griffin Williams was killed in a horse-trailer collision on Interstate 5. The incident happened around 12:30 a.m., just north of ...[...]
Aug 18, 2022 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Marty Sparling Dead, Erika Romero-Aguilar at Large after Bicycle Accident on US Highway 395 [Adelanto, CA]
california | US 395 Near Adelanto |
ADELANTO, CA (August 10, 2022) - Saturday night, Marty Sparling was fatally struck in a hit-and-run bicycle accident on US Highway 395. The incident occurred around 10:21 p.m., near Cactus Road.[...]
Aug 09, 2022 5:00pm | 0 view | source: Bing

Man Fatally Injured in Semi-Truck Collision on Florin Road [Sacramento, CA]
california | Florin Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (August 8, 2022) - Early Thursday morning, a 22-year-old man was fatally injured in a semi-truck collision on Florin Road. The accident occurred around 5:00 a.m., at the ...[...]
Aug 07, 2022 10:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Jim Fuentes Killed in Head-On Crash on North Fruit Avenue [Fresno, CA]
california | N Fruit Ave |
FRESNO, CA (August 8, 2022) - 57-year-old Jim Fuentes lost his life Friday night, after a head-on collision on North Fruit Avenue. The incident happened just after 9:00 p.m., near Tenaya Way ...[...]
Aug 07, 2022 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Roni Gage Fatally Struck DUI Pedestrian Collision on Dougherty Road [Dublin, CA]
california | Dougherty Rd |
DUBLIN, CA (August 5, 2022 ... The incident happened on July 31st, at around 10:00 p.m., near the 6200 block of Dougherty Road. According to Dublin Police, Gage was walking along the southbound ...[...]
Aug 04, 2022 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Sergeant Matt Lewis Killed in Motorcycle Crash on Pico Avenue [Nuevo, CA]
california | 607 Pico Ave |
PERRIS, CA (August 4, 2022) - Monday evening, a motorcycle crash on Pico Avenue claimed the life of Sergeant Matt Lewis. The incident happened around 7:15 p.m., near Pico Avenue and Santa Rosa ...[...]
Aug 03, 2022 4:59pm | 4 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Wilson Ranch Road [Phelan, CA]
california | Phelan Rd |
PHELAN, CA (August 3, 2022) - Monday morning, a pedestrian crash on Wilson Ranch Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened on August 1st, at around 5:00 a.m. between Smoketree ...[...]
Aug 02, 2022 10:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Matias Meza Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Baseline Street [Highland, CA]
california | Baseline St |
HIGHLAND, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Thursday evening, a pedestrian accident on Baseline Street claimed the life of Matias Meza. According to the report, the fatal incident happened around 11:49 ...[...]
Aug 30, 2022 4:49pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Vicente Ortega Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Highway 99 [Fresno, CA]
california | Ca Ortega Hwy |
FRESNO, CA (August 29, 2022) - Thursday evening, 21-year-old Vicente Ortega was killed in a ... pedestrian crash are available. However, California Highway Patrol will release more information ...[...]
Aug 28, 2022 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Richard Albert Tam Pronounced Dead after Hit-and-Run on La Mancha Way [Sacramento, CA]
california | La Mancha Way |
SACRAMENTO, CA (August 25, 2022) - Saturday morning, police responded to a hit-and-run crash on La Mancha Way that killed Richard Albert Tam. The incident happened on August 20th, shortly after ...[...]
Aug 24, 2022 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Rose Avenue [Fresno, CA]
california | Bethel Ave |
CA (August 22, 2022) - One person died Thursday evening after a pedestrian accident on Rose Avenue. According to the report, the fatal incident happened around 9:45 p.m. on Rose and Bethel ...[...]
Aug 22, 2022 2:45pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Motorcyclist Killed in Horse-Trailer Collision on Interstate 5 [Camp Pendleton, CA]
Camp Pendleton South | california | I-5 |
CAMP PENDLETON, CA (August 19, 2022) - Early Wednesday morning, Griffin Williams was killed in a horse-trailer collision on Interstate 5. The incident happened around 12:30 a.m., just north of ...[...]
Aug 18, 2022 5:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Man Killed in Motorcycle Crash on Orangethorpe Avenue [Fullerton, CA]
california | Orangethorpe Ave |
FULLERTON, CA (August 18, 2022) - On Tuesday morning, a rider died in a motorcycle crash on Orangethorpe Avenue, authorities said. According to the police, the incident happened around 11:40 a.m ...[...]
Aug 18, 2022 04:40am | 3 views | source: Bing

Robert Colarossi Killed in Rear-End Accident on Interstate 10 [Beaumont, CA]
Beaumont | california | I-10 |
BEAUMONT, CA (August 18, 2022) - Early Tuesday morning, 51-year-old Robert Colarossi was killed in a rear-end accident on Interstate 10. Police responded to the westbound lanes of I-10 ...[...]
Aug 17, 2022 5:01pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Joey Dee Hagedorn Killed in 2-Vehicle Crash on Interstate 15 [Baker, CA]
Baker | california | I-15 |
BAKER, CA (August 17, 2022) - 24-year-old Joey Dee Hagedorn was killed in a 2-vehicle crash on Interstate 15, early Saturday morning. The accident happened around 5:35 a.m., near mile marker 145 ...[...]
Aug 16, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Woman Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Sierra Avenue [Fontana, CA]
california | La Sierra Ave |
FONTANA, CA (August 10, 2022) - A pedestrian crash on Sierra Avenue claimed the life of one woman, late Sunday evening. The incident occurred around 11:55 p.m., near the intersection of Sierra ...[...]
Aug 10, 2022 4:55pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Marty Sparling Dead, Erika Romero-Aguilar at Large after Bicycle Accident on US Highway 395 [Adelanto, CA]
Adelanto | california | U.s. 395 |
ADELANTO, CA (August 10, 2022) - Saturday night, Marty Sparling was fatally struck in a hit-and-run bicycle accident on US Highway 395. The incident occurred around 10:21 p.m., near Cactus Road.[...]
Aug 09, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Man Fatally Injured in Semi-Truck Collision on Florin Road [Sacramento, CA]
california | Florin Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (August 8, 2022) - Early Thursday morning, a 22-year-old man was fatally injured in a semi-truck collision on Florin Road. The accident occurred around 5:00 a.m., at the ...[...]
Aug 07, 2022 10:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Roni Gage Fatally Struck DUI Pedestrian Collision on Dougherty Road [Dublin, CA]
california | Dougherty Rd |
DUBLIN, CA (August 5, 2022 ... The incident happened on July 31st, at around 10:00 p.m., near the 6200 block of Dougherty Road. According to Dublin Police, Gage was walking along the southbound ...[...]
Aug 04, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Sergeant Matt Lewis Killed in Motorcycle Crash on Pico Avenue [Nuevo, CA]
california | 607 Pico Ave |
PERRIS, CA (August 4, 2022) - Monday evening, a motorcycle crash on Pico Avenue claimed the life of Sergeant Matt Lewis. The incident happened around 7:15 p.m., near Pico Avenue and Santa Rosa ...[...]
Aug 03, 2022 4:59pm | 2 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Wilson Ranch Road [Phelan, CA]
california | Phelan Rd |
PHELAN, CA (August 3, 2022) - Monday morning, a pedestrian crash on Wilson Ranch Road claimed the life of one person. The incident happened on August 1st, at around 5:00 a.m. between Smoketree ...[...]
Aug 02, 2022 10:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Nicole Lawson Dead, Daniel Zuzinec Arrested after DUI Collision on Painted Cave Road [Santa Barbara, CA]
california | Painted Cave Rd |
SANTA BARBARA, CA (August 3, 2022 ... fatally struck Lawson on Painted Cave Road, just north of Highway 154. Officers arrived at the area and found Lawson lifeless on the ground.[...]
Aug 02, 2022 2:45pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Dr. Venu Gopal Killed in Solo-Car Crash on Highway 168 [Fresno, CA]
california | 24074 Highway 168 |
FRESNO, CA (August 30, 2022) - On Saturday morning, a solo-vehicle crash on Highway 168 claimed the life of ... Dr. Venu Gopal dead at the scene. The California Highway Patrol said that Dr ...[...]
Aug 29, 2022 5:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Vicente Ortega Killed in Pedestrian Accident on Highway 99 [Fresno, CA]
california | Ca Ortega Hwy |
FRESNO, CA (August 29, 2022) - Thursday evening, 21-year-old Vicente Ortega was killed in a ... pedestrian crash are available. However, California Highway Patrol will release more information ...[...]
Aug 28, 2022 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

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