Beginning today 1/24 in #Boston#Somerville Traffic Pattern Shifts on Maffa Way and Mystic Avenue. These shifts are anticipated to remain in place through January of 2026. Detours in place.
#TRAFFICALERT: Traffic is backed up on EB State Route 4 near Bailey Road in Pittsburg due to a fatal crash that is blocking several lanes. The crash has also disrupted @SFBART services. For the latest on traffic conditions go to Caltrans Quickmap 🔗
Winter weather will be rolling through the Austin area tonight and tomorrow morning with possible precipitation. Stay home and avoid travel! If you must travel, check for the latest on road conditions and drive carefully. #DriveLikeaTexan#atxweather
WVDOH Road Crews are actively plowing & treating roads this morning. Primary roads are mostly passable but may have icy area. Some secondary roads remain snow-covered, so anticipate winter driving conditions. For real-time traffic updates, visit