Co July 2023 Archived Fatal Accidents

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Fatal crash on Highway 280 off-ramp shuts down lanes
california | i-280 |
All southbound lanes of Interstate Highway 280 near the El Monte Road off-ramp in Santa Clara County were shut down for several hours early Saturday morning due to a fatal crash, the California ...[...]
Jul 29, 2023 08:57am | 1 view | source: Bing / Palo Alto Weekly

Lisa Esparza, Cerra Corner, Javan Runnels, Felix Begay, Erick Tsosie, Calsie Sockyma Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on Highway 509 [Tacoma, WA]
washington | State Highway 509 |
TACOMA, WA (July 27 ... Investigators state that the Kia was traveling on Alexander Avenue. There, a BMW, that was traveling northbound on Highway 509, T-boned the Kia. The collision caused ...[...]
Jul 26, 2023 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on East 17th Street [Santa Ana, CA]
california | 17th St E |
SANTA ANA, CA (July 25, 2023) - A driver was fatally injured following a two-vehicle crash on East 17th Street Saturday morning. Officers responded to the fatal collision around 8:00 a.m. at the ...[...]
Jul 25, 2023 01:00am | 2 views | source: Bing

Morgan Baker Killed in Hit-and-Run Crash on Interstate 5 [Fife, WA]
washington | I-5 Near Alger |
The crash happened on July 19th, just after 3:15 a.m., in the northbound lanes of Interstate 5, near 54th Avenue East. According to reports, motorcyclist Morgan Baker, was struck by a speeding BMW ...[...]
Jul 19, 2023 8:15pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Motorcyclist Dies in Semi-Truck Collision on Interstate 15 [Temecula, CA]
Temecula | california | I-15 |
TEMECULA, CA (July 19, 2023) - Thursday evening, a motorcyclist was killed in a semi-truck collision on Interstate 15. Officers responded to the scene around 6:15 p.m., on the northbound lanes ...[...]
Jul 19, 2023 3:24pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Rider Dies in Motorcycle Collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway [Petaluma, CA]
Sonoma Pkwy |
PETALUMA, CA (July 18, 2023) - Friday night, one rider was killed in a motorcycle collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway. Police responded to the scene around 6:50 p.m., near Linnet Lane.[...]
Jul 18, 2023 11:50am | 0 view | source: Bing

Alyssa Taylor Sandoval Arrested after Fatal DUI Crash on Elkhorn Boulevard [Sacramento, CA]
california | Elkhorn Ave |
SACRAMENTO, CA (July 13, 2023) - Police arrested Alyssa Taylor Sandoval following a DUI crash on Elkhorn Boulevard that left two pedestrians fatally injured. The fatal collision happened around ...[...]
Jul 12, 2023 5:00pm | 0 view | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Wrong-Way Crash on East Katella Avenue [Orange County, CA]
california | Katella Ave |
Suspected DUI Collision in North Tustin Street Left Man Dead ORANGE COUNTY, CA (July 12, 2023) - Saturday evening, a wrong-way crash on East Katella Avenue left a male driver fatally injured.[...]
Jul 12, 2023 1:19pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Jennifer Ellis Killed, Wallowa Bates Arrested after DUI Collision on Minnewawa Avenue [Fresno County, CA]
S Minnewawa Ave |
FRESNO COUNTY, CA (July 11, 2023) - Late Monday afternoon, Jennifer Ellis was killed in a DUI collision on Minnewawa Avenue ... the northbound Willow Avenue, south of International Avenue ...[...]
Jul 11, 2023 09:29am | 0 view | source: Bing

Juan Rafael Bautista Pronounced Dead Following Three-Car Collision on Vasco Road [Byron, CA]
california | Vasco Rd |
3 Injured in Fatal Head-on Crash near Camino Diablo BYRON, CA (July 11, 2023) - Wednesday afternoon, a head-on collision on Vasco Road left Juan Rafael Bautista dead and three others injured.[...]
Jul 10, 2023 7:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Mark Nieman, Natasha Nieman, and Diane Coughlin Killed in Head-On Collision on State Route 26 [Adams County, WA]
Washtucna | washington |
ADAMS COUNTY, WA (July 11, 2023 ... around 1:25 p.m., on the eastbound lanes of SR 26 about 19 miles west of Washtucna on June 30th. Per reports, 53-year-old Mark was heading east in a ...[...]
Jul 10, 2023 4:59pm | 2 views | source: Bing / Laweekly

Two Killed in Single-Vehicle Crash near Alma School Road [Mesa, AZ]
N Alma School Rd |
two people died following a crash near Alma School Road and Pampa Avenue. On June 23rd, officers were dispatched to the area, just south of Guadalupe and north of the Western Canal. According to ...[...]
Jul 10, 2023 4:59pm | 0 view | source: Bing

Woman Dead Following Rollover Accident on Interstate 15 [Las Vegas, NV]
I-15 Near American F |
1 Injured after Fatal Single Car Collision near Craig Road LAS VEGAS, NV (July 7, 2023) - Late Sunday morning, a passenger sustained injuries after a fatal single-car accident on Interstate 15.[...]
Jul 07, 2023 04:58am | 1 view | source: Bing

Humberto Munoz Vasquez Killed in Two-Vehicle Collision on Panama Lane [Bakersfield, CA]
california | Panama Ln |
CA (July 3, 2023) - Early Sunday morning, Humberto Munoz Vasquez was fatally injured in a two-vehicle collision on Panama Lane. Police responded to the scene around 3:15 a.m., at the ...[...]
Jul 02, 2023 8:15pm | 0 view | source: Bing

Fatal crash on Highway 280 off-ramp shuts down lanes
I-280 Near Los Altos |
All southbound lanes of Interstate Highway 280 near the El Monte Road off-ramp in Santa Clara County were shut down for several hours early Saturday morning due to a fatal crash, the California ...[...]
Jul 29, 2023 08:57am | 1 view | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on East 17th Street [Santa Ana, CA]
california | E 17th St |
SANTA ANA, CA (July 25, 2023) - A driver was fatally injured following a two-vehicle crash on East 17th Street Saturday morning. Officers responded to the fatal collision around 8:00 a.m. at the ...[...]
Jul 25, 2023 01:00am | 1 view | source: Bing

One Dies in Fiery Motorcycle Collision on Loop 101 [Tempe, AZ]
Loop 101 Near Lupton |
one rider was fatally struck in a fiery motorcycle collision on Loop 101. The incident occurred around 7:00 p.m., on the northbound lanes of the freeway near University Drive. Per reports ...[...]
Jul 24, 2023 12:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Man Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Highway 85 [San Jose, CA]
california | CA-85 NEAR SAN JOSE |
SAN JOSE, CA (July 24, 2023) - Monday morning, a pedestrian crash on Highway 85 claimed the life of a man. The incident happened at around 4:45 a.m., near the Camden Avenue exit. According to ...[...]
Jul 23, 2023 9:45pm | 0 view | source: Bing

Man Killed in Pedestrian Crash on West Wapato Road [Yakima County, WA]
washington | West Wapato Rd |
YAKIMA COUNTY, WA (July 20, 2023) - Late Tuesday night, a man was killed in a deadly pedestrian crash on West Wapato Road. The incident occurred at around 11:15 p.m., on July 18th, on the 2300 ...[...]
Jul 20, 2023 4:15pm | 0 view | source: Bing

Morgan Baker Killed in Hit-and-Run Crash on Interstate 5 [Fife, WA]
Fife | washington | I-5 |
FIFE, WA (July 20, 2023 ... The crash happened on July 19th, just after 3:15 a.m., in the northbound lanes of Interstate 5, near 54th Avenue East. According to reports, motorcyclist Morgan ...[...]
Jul 19, 2023 8:15pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Patrol identifies man killed in crash on I-135 in Wichita
Wichita | kansas | I-135 |
Headline: Extreme Cold Warning until THU 12:00 PM CST Bulletin: ...EXTREME COLD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM MST / NOON CST / THURSDAY... * WHAT...A prolonged ...[...]
Jul 19, 2023 5:00pm | 0 view | source: Bing

Motorcyclist Dies in Semi-Truck Collision on Interstate 15 [Temecula, CA]
Temecula | california | I-15 |
TEMECULA, CA (July 19, 2023) - Thursday evening, a motorcyclist was killed in a semi-truck collision on Interstate 15. Officers responded to the scene around 6:15 p.m., on the northbound lanes ...[...]
Jul 19, 2023 3:24pm | 0 view | source: Bing

Rider Dies in Motorcycle Collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway [Petaluma, CA]
Sonoma Pkwy |
PETALUMA, CA (July 18, 2023) - Friday night, one rider was killed in a motorcycle collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway. Police responded to the scene around 6:50 p.m., near Linnet Lane.[...]
Jul 18, 2023 11:50am | 4 views | source: Bing

3 Killed in Multi-Vehicle Collision on Thunderbird Road [Phoenix, AZ]
Thunderbird Rd |
Upon investigation, the officers discovered that an impaired driver was traveling westbound on Thunderbird Road. They crashed into a red Chevrolet Traverse headed south on I-17 Southbound Access ...[...]
Jul 16, 2023 8:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Alyssa Taylor Sandoval Arrested after Fatal DUI Crash on Elkhorn Boulevard [Sacramento, CA]
california | Elkhorn Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (July 13, 2023) - Police arrested Alyssa Taylor Sandoval following a DUI crash on Elkhorn Boulevard that left two pedestrians fatally injured. The fatal collision happened around ...[...]
Jul 12, 2023 5:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Wrong-Way Crash on East Katella Avenue [Orange County, CA]
california | N Tustin St |
Suspected DUI Collision in North Tustin Street Left Man Dead ORANGE COUNTY, CA (July 12, 2023) - Saturday evening, a wrong-way crash on East Katella Avenue left a male driver fatally injured.[...]
Jul 12, 2023 1:19pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Jennifer Ellis Killed, Wallowa Bates Arrested after DUI Collision on Minnewawa Avenue [Fresno County, CA]
S Minnewawa Ave |
FRESNO COUNTY, CA (July 11, 2023) - Late Monday afternoon, Jennifer Ellis was killed in a DUI collision on Minnewawa Avenue ... the northbound Willow Avenue, south of International Avenue ...[...]
Jul 11, 2023 09:29am | 0 view | source: Bing

Two Killed in Single-Vehicle Crash near Alma School Road [Mesa, AZ]
N Alma School Rd |
two people died following a crash near Alma School Road and Pampa Avenue. On June 23rd, officers were dispatched to the area, just south of Guadalupe and north of the Western Canal. According to ...[...]
Jul 10, 2023 4:59pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Woman Dead Following Rollover Accident on Interstate 15 [Las Vegas, NV]
I-15 Near American F |
1 Injured after Fatal Single Car Collision near Craig Road LAS VEGAS, NV (July 7, 2023) - Late Sunday morning, a passenger sustained injuries after a fatal single-car accident on Interstate 15.[...]
Jul 07, 2023 04:58am | 1 view | source: Bing

Fatal crash on Highway 280 off-ramp shuts down lanes
I-280 Near Los Altos |
All southbound lanes of Interstate Highway 280 near the El Monte Road off-ramp in Santa Clara County were shut down for several hours early Saturday morning due to a fatal crash, the California ...[...]
Jul 29, 2023 08:57am | 1 view | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on East 17th Street [Santa Ana, CA]
california | 17th St E |
SANTA ANA, CA (July 25, 2023) - A driver was fatally injured following a two-vehicle crash on East 17th Street Saturday morning. Officers responded to the fatal collision around 8:00 a.m. at the ...[...]
Jul 25, 2023 01:00am | 0 view | source: Bing

Man Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Highway 85 [San Jose, CA]
california | CA-85 NEAR SAN JOSE |
SAN JOSE, CA (July 24, 2023) - Monday morning, a pedestrian crash on Highway 85 claimed the life of a man. The incident happened at around 4:45 a.m., near the Camden Avenue exit. According to ...[...]
Jul 23, 2023 9:45pm | 0 view | source: Bing

Morgan Baker Killed in Hit-and-Run Crash on Interstate 5 [Fife, WA]
Fife | washington | I-5 |
FIFE, WA (July 20, 2023 ... The crash happened on July 19th, just after 3:15 a.m., in the northbound lanes of Interstate 5, near 54th Avenue East. According to reports, motorcyclist Morgan ...[...]
Jul 19, 2023 8:15pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Rider Dies in Motorcycle Collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway [Petaluma, CA]
Sonoma Pkwy |
PETALUMA, CA (July 18, 2023) - Friday night, one rider was killed in a motorcycle collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway. Police responded to the scene around 6:50 p.m., near Linnet Lane.[...]
Jul 18, 2023 11:50am | 4 views | source: Bing

3 Killed in Multi-Vehicle Collision on Thunderbird Road [Phoenix, AZ]
Thunderbird Rd |
Upon investigation, the officers discovered that an impaired driver was traveling westbound on Thunderbird Road. They crashed into a red Chevrolet Traverse headed south on I-17 Southbound Access ...[...]
Jul 16, 2023 8:00pm | 0 view | source: Bing

Charges pending after deadly Wilson County crash, police say
tennessee | Saundersville Rd |
Just after 9 p.m., a white truck with two men inside pulled onto Saundersville Ferry Road where it was hit by ... white pickup truck died on the scene. Tennessee Highway Patrol troopers were ...[...]
Jul 13, 2023 02:07am | 0 view | source: Bing

Alyssa Taylor Sandoval Arrested after Fatal DUI Crash on Elkhorn Boulevard [Sacramento, CA]
california | Elkhorn Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (July 13, 2023) - Police arrested Alyssa Taylor Sandoval following a DUI crash on Elkhorn Boulevard that left two pedestrians fatally injured. The fatal collision happened around ...[...]
Jul 12, 2023 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Wrong-Way Crash on East Katella Avenue [Orange County, CA]
california | N Tustin St |
Suspected DUI Collision in North Tustin Street Left Man Dead ORANGE COUNTY, CA (July 12, 2023) - Saturday evening, a wrong-way crash on East Katella Avenue left a male driver fatally injured.[...]
Jul 12, 2023 1:19pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Jennifer Ellis Killed, Wallowa Bates Arrested after DUI Collision on Minnewawa Avenue [Fresno County, CA]
S Minnewawa Ave |
FRESNO COUNTY, CA (July 11, 2023) - Late Monday afternoon, Jennifer Ellis was killed in a DUI collision on Minnewawa Avenue ... the northbound Willow Avenue, south of International Avenue ...[...]
Jul 11, 2023 09:29am | 0 view | source: Bing

Juan Rafael Bautista Pronounced Dead Following Three-Car Collision on Vasco Road [Byron, CA]
california | Vasco Rd |
3 Injured in Fatal Head-on Crash near Camino Diablo BYRON, CA (July 11, 2023) - Wednesday afternoon, a head-on collision on Vasco Road left Juan Rafael Bautista dead and three others injured.[...]
Jul 10, 2023 7:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Two Killed in Single-Vehicle Crash near Alma School Road [Mesa, AZ]
N Alma School Rd |
two people died following a crash near Alma School Road and Pampa Avenue. On June 23rd, officers were dispatched to the area, just south of Guadalupe and north of the Western Canal. According to ...[...]
Jul 10, 2023 4:59pm | 0 view | source: Bing

Kennan Ruiz Dies in Bicycle Collision on Railroad Canyon Road [Canyon Lake, CA]
california | Railroad Canyon |
CANYON LAKE, CA (July 10, 2023) - Saturday evening, Kennan Ruiz was killed in a bicycle collision on Railroad Canyon Road. Authorities responded to the scene on June 10th, at around 9:50 p.m ...[...]
Jul 09, 2023 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Woman Dead Following Rollover Accident on Interstate 15 [Las Vegas, NV]
I-15 Near American F |
1 Injured after Fatal Single Car Collision near Craig Road LAS VEGAS, NV (July 7, 2023) - Late Sunday morning, a passenger sustained injuries after a fatal single-car accident on Interstate 15.[...]
Jul 07, 2023 04:58am | 1 view | source: Bing

Humberto Munoz Vasquez Killed in Two-Vehicle Collision on Panama Lane [Bakersfield, CA]
california | Panama Ln |
CA (July 3, 2023) - Early Sunday morning, Humberto Munoz Vasquez was fatally injured in a two-vehicle collision on Panama Lane. Police responded to the scene around 3:15 a.m., at the ...[...]
Jul 02, 2023 8:15pm | 0 view | source: Bing

Fatal crash on Highway 280 off-ramp shuts down lanes
US 280 Near Ellabell |
All southbound lanes of Interstate Highway 280 near the El Monte Road off-ramp in Santa Clara County were shut down for several hours early Saturday morning due to a fatal crash, the California ...[...]
Jul 29, 2023 08:57am | 1 view | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on East 17th Street [Santa Ana, CA]
california | 17th St E |
SANTA ANA, CA (July 25, 2023) - A driver was fatally injured following a two-vehicle crash on East 17th Street Saturday morning. Officers responded to the fatal collision around 8:00 a.m. at the ...[...]
Jul 25, 2023 01:00am | 3 views | source: Bing

Man Killed in Pedestrian Crash on West Wapato Road [Yakima County, WA]
washington | West Wapato Rd |
YAKIMA COUNTY, WA (July 20, 2023) - Late Tuesday night, a man was killed in a deadly pedestrian crash on West Wapato Road. The incident occurred at around 11:15 p.m., on July 18th, on the 2300 ...[...]
Jul 20, 2023 4:15pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Rider Dies in Motorcycle Collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway [Petaluma, CA]
Sonoma Pkwy |
PETALUMA, CA (July 18, 2023) - Friday night, one rider was killed in a motorcycle collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway. Police responded to the scene around 6:50 p.m., near Linnet Lane.[...]
Jul 18, 2023 11:50am | 3 views | source: Bing

3 Killed in Multi-Vehicle Collision on Thunderbird Road [Phoenix, AZ]
Thunderbird Rd |
Upon investigation, the officers discovered that an impaired driver was traveling westbound on Thunderbird Road. They crashed into a red Chevrolet Traverse headed south on I-17 Southbound Access ...[...]
Jul 16, 2023 8:00pm | 5 views | source: Bing

Alyssa Taylor Sandoval Arrested after Fatal DUI Crash on Elkhorn Boulevard [Sacramento, CA]
california | Elkhorn And Diablo |
SACRAMENTO, CA (July 13, 2023) - Police arrested Alyssa Taylor Sandoval following a DUI crash on Elkhorn Boulevard that left two pedestrians fatally injured. The fatal collision happened around ...[...]
Jul 12, 2023 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Wrong-Way Crash on East Katella Avenue [Orange County, CA]
W Katella Ave |
Katella Avenue and N. Tustin Street. At around 8:20 p.m., the driver woke up and continued traveling west on Katella as patrol officers make their way to the scene. The Hyundai driver then veered ...[...]
Jul 12, 2023 1:19pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Jennifer Ellis Killed, Wallowa Bates Arrested after DUI Collision on Minnewawa Avenue [Fresno County, CA]
S Minnewawa Ave |
FRESNO COUNTY, CA (July 11, 2023) - Late Monday afternoon, Jennifer Ellis was killed in a DUI collision on Minnewawa Avenue ... the northbound Willow Avenue, south of International Avenue ...[...]
Jul 11, 2023 09:29am | 1 view | source: Bing

Woman Dead Following Rollover Accident on Interstate 15 [Las Vegas, NV]
I-15 Near American F |
1 Injured after Fatal Single Car Collision near Craig Road LAS VEGAS, NV (July 7, 2023) - Late Sunday morning, a passenger sustained injuries after a fatal single-car accident on Interstate 15.[...]
Jul 07, 2023 04:58am | 2 views | source: Bing

Humberto Munoz Vasquez Killed in Two-Vehicle Collision on Panama Lane [Bakersfield, CA]
california | Panama Ln |
CA (July 3, 2023) - Early Sunday morning, Humberto Munoz Vasquez was fatally injured in a two-vehicle collision on Panama Lane. Police responded to the scene around 3:15 a.m., at the ...[...]
Jul 02, 2023 8:15pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Fatal crash on Highway 280 off-ramp shuts down lanes
Daly City | california | I-280 |
All southbound lanes of Interstate Highway 280 near the El Monte Road off-ramp in Santa Clara County were shut down for several hours early Saturday morning due to a fatal crash, the California ...[...]
Jul 29, 2023 08:57am | 3 views | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on East 17th Street [Santa Ana, CA]
california | E 17th St |
SANTA ANA, CA (July 25, 2023) - A driver was fatally injured following a two-vehicle crash on East 17th Street Saturday morning. Officers responded to the fatal collision around 8:00 a.m. at the ...[...]
Jul 25, 2023 01:00am | 2 views | source: Bing

One Dies in Fiery Motorcycle Collision on Loop 101 [Tempe, AZ]
Loop 101 Near Lupton |
one rider was fatally struck in a fiery motorcycle collision on Loop 101. The incident occurred around 7:00 p.m., on the northbound lanes of the freeway near University Drive. Per reports ...[...]
Jul 24, 2023 12:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Man Killed in Pedestrian Crash on West Wapato Road [Yakima County, WA]
washington | West Wapato Rd |
YAKIMA COUNTY, WA (July 20, 2023) - Late Tuesday night, a man was killed in a deadly pedestrian crash on West Wapato Road. The incident occurred at around 11:15 p.m., on July 18th, on the 2300 ...[...]
Jul 20, 2023 4:15pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Morgan Baker Killed in Hit-and-Run Crash on Interstate 5 [Fife, WA]
washington | I-5 Near Fife |
FIFE, WA (July 20, 2023 ... The crash happened on July 19th, just after 3:15 a.m., in the northbound lanes of Interstate 5, near 54th Avenue East. According to reports, motorcyclist Morgan ...[...]
Jul 19, 2023 8:15pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Motorcyclist Dies in Semi-Truck Collision on Interstate 15 [Temecula, CA]
Temecula | california | I-15 |
TEMECULA, CA (July 19, 2023) - Thursday evening, a motorcyclist was killed in a semi-truck collision on Interstate 15. Officers responded to the scene around 6:15 p.m., on the northbound lanes ...[...]
Jul 19, 2023 3:24pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Rider Dies in Motorcycle Collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway [Petaluma, CA]
Sonoma Pkwy |
PETALUMA, CA (July 18, 2023) - Friday night, one rider was killed in a motorcycle collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway. Police responded to the scene around 6:50 p.m., near Linnet Lane.[...]
Jul 18, 2023 11:50am | 3 views | source: Bing

Alyssa Taylor Sandoval Arrested after Fatal DUI Crash on Elkhorn Boulevard [Sacramento, CA]
california | Elkhorn Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (July 13, 2023) - Police arrested Alyssa Taylor Sandoval following a DUI crash on Elkhorn Boulevard that left two pedestrians fatally injured. The fatal collision happened around ...[...]
Jul 12, 2023 5:00pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Wrong-Way Crash on East Katella Avenue [Orange County, CA]
E Katella Ave |
Suspected DUI Collision in North Tustin Street Left Man Dead ORANGE COUNTY, CA (July 12, 2023) - Saturday evening, a wrong-way crash on East Katella Avenue left a male driver fatally injured.[...]
Jul 12, 2023 1:19pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Jennifer Ellis Killed, Wallowa Bates Arrested after DUI Collision on Minnewawa Avenue [Fresno County, CA]
S Minnewawa Ave |
FRESNO COUNTY, CA (July 11, 2023) - Late Monday afternoon, Jennifer Ellis was killed in a DUI collision on Minnewawa Avenue ... the northbound Willow Avenue, south of International Avenue ...[...]
Jul 11, 2023 09:29am | 3 views | source: Bing

Juan Rafael Bautista Pronounced Dead Following Three-Car Collision on Vasco Road [Byron, CA]
california | Vasco Rd |
3 Injured in Fatal Head-on Crash near Camino Diablo BYRON, CA (July 11, 2023) - Wednesday afternoon, a head-on collision on Vasco Road left Juan Rafael Bautista dead and three others injured.[...]
Jul 10, 2023 7:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Woman Dead Following Rollover Accident on Interstate 15 [Las Vegas, NV]
Overton | nevada | I-15 |
1 Injured after Fatal Single Car Collision near Craig Road LAS VEGAS, NV (July 7, 2023) - Late Sunday morning, a passenger sustained injuries after a fatal single-car accident on Interstate 15.[...]
Jul 07, 2023 04:58am | 3 views | source: Bing

Fatal crash on Highway 280 off-ramp shuts down lanes
Serra | california | I-280 |
All southbound lanes of Interstate Highway 280 near the El Monte Road off-ramp in Santa Clara County were shut down for several hours early Saturday morning due to a fatal crash, the California ...[...]
Jul 29, 2023 08:57am | 5 views | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on East 17th Street [Santa Ana, CA]
california | 17th St E |
SANTA ANA, CA (July 25, 2023) - A driver was fatally injured following a two-vehicle crash on East 17th Street Saturday morning. Officers responded to the fatal collision around 8:00 a.m. at the ...[...]
Jul 25, 2023 01:00am | 5 views | source: Bing

Man Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Highway 85 [San Jose, CA]
Ca-85 |
SAN JOSE, CA (July 24, 2023) - Monday morning, a pedestrian crash on Highway 85 claimed the life of a man. The incident happened at around 4:45 a.m., near the Camden Avenue exit. According to ...[...]
Jul 23, 2023 9:45pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Man Killed in Pedestrian Crash on West Wapato Road [Yakima County, WA]
washington | West Wapato Rd |
YAKIMA COUNTY, WA (July 20, 2023) - Late Tuesday night, a man was killed in a deadly pedestrian crash on West Wapato Road. The incident occurred at around 11:15 p.m., on July 18th, on the 2300 ...[...]
Jul 20, 2023 4:15pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Rider Dies in Motorcycle Collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway [Petaluma, CA]
Sonoma Pkwy |
PETALUMA, CA (July 18, 2023) - Friday night, one rider was killed in a motorcycle collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway. Police responded to the scene around 6:50 p.m., near Linnet Lane.[...]
Jul 18, 2023 11:50am | 3 views | source: Bing

Alyssa Taylor Sandoval Arrested after Fatal DUI Crash on Elkhorn Boulevard [Sacramento, CA]
california | Elkhorn And Diablo |
SACRAMENTO, CA (July 13, 2023) - Police arrested Alyssa Taylor Sandoval following a DUI crash on Elkhorn Boulevard that left two pedestrians fatally injured. The fatal collision happened around ...[...]
Jul 12, 2023 5:00pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Wrong-Way Crash on East Katella Avenue [Orange County, CA]
W Katella Ave |
Katella Avenue and N. Tustin Street. At around 8:20 p.m., the driver woke up and continued traveling west on Katella as patrol officers make their way to the scene. The Hyundai driver then veered ...[...]
Jul 12, 2023 1:19pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Jennifer Ellis Killed, Wallowa Bates Arrested after DUI Collision on Minnewawa Avenue [Fresno County, CA]
S Minnewawa Ave |
FRESNO COUNTY, CA (July 11, 2023) - Late Monday afternoon, Jennifer Ellis was killed in a DUI collision on Minnewawa Avenue ... the northbound Willow Avenue, south of International Avenue ...[...]
Jul 11, 2023 09:29am | 3 views | source: Bing

Juan Rafael Bautista Pronounced Dead Following Three-Car Collision on Vasco Road [Byron, CA]
california | Vasco Rd |
3 Injured in Fatal Head-on Crash near Camino Diablo BYRON, CA (July 11, 2023) - Wednesday afternoon, a head-on collision on Vasco Road left Juan Rafael Bautista dead and three others injured.[...]
Jul 10, 2023 7:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Two Killed in Single-Vehicle Crash near Alma School Road [Mesa, AZ]
N Alma School Rd |
two people died following a crash near Alma School Road and Pampa Avenue. On June 23rd, officers were dispatched to the area, just south of Guadalupe and north of the Western Canal. According to ...[...]
Jul 10, 2023 4:59pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Woman Dead Following Rollover Accident on Interstate 15 [Las Vegas, NV]
I-15 Near American F |
1 Injured after Fatal Single Car Collision near Craig Road LAS VEGAS, NV (July 7, 2023) - Late Sunday morning, a passenger sustained injuries after a fatal single-car accident on Interstate 15.[...]
Jul 07, 2023 04:58am | 5 views | source: Bing

Fatal crash on Highway 280 off-ramp shuts down lanes
california | i-280 |
All southbound lanes of Interstate Highway 280 near the El Monte Road off-ramp in Santa Clara County were shut down for several hours early Saturday morning due to a fatal crash, the California ...[...]
Jul 29, 2023 08:57am | 5 views | source: Bing / Palo Alto Weekly

Driver Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on East 17th Street [Santa Ana, CA]
california | 17th St E |
SANTA ANA, CA (July 25, 2023) - A driver was fatally injured following a two-vehicle crash on East 17th Street Saturday morning. Officers responded to the fatal collision around 8:00 a.m. at the ...[...]
Jul 25, 2023 01:00am | 3 views | source: Bing

One Dies in Fiery Motorcycle Collision on Loop 101 [Tempe, AZ]
Loop 101 Near Lupton |
one rider was fatally struck in a fiery motorcycle collision on Loop 101. The incident occurred around 7:00 p.m., on the northbound lanes of the freeway near University Drive. Per reports ...[...]
Jul 24, 2023 12:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Man Killed in Pedestrian Crash on West Wapato Road [Yakima County, WA]
West Wapato Rd |
YAKIMA COUNTY, WA (July 20, 2023) - Late Tuesday night, a man was killed in a deadly pedestrian crash on West Wapato Road. The incident occurred at around 11:15 p.m., on July 18th, on the 2300 ...[...]
Jul 20, 2023 4:15pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Motorcyclist Dies in Semi-Truck Collision on Interstate 15 [Temecula, CA]
Temecula | california | I-15 |
TEMECULA, CA (July 19, 2023) - Thursday evening, a motorcyclist was killed in a semi-truck collision on Interstate 15. Officers responded to the scene around 6:15 p.m., on the northbound lanes ...[...]
Jul 19, 2023 3:24pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Rider Dies in Motorcycle Collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway [Petaluma, CA]
Sonoma Pkwy |
PETALUMA, CA (July 18, 2023) - Friday night, one rider was killed in a motorcycle collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway. Police responded to the scene around 6:50 p.m., near Linnet Lane.[...]
Jul 18, 2023 11:50am | 3 views | source: Bing

Alyssa Taylor Sandoval Arrested after Fatal DUI Crash on Elkhorn Boulevard [Sacramento, CA]
california | Elkhorn Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (July 13, 2023) - Police arrested Alyssa Taylor Sandoval following a DUI crash on Elkhorn Boulevard that left two pedestrians fatally injured. The fatal collision happened around ...[...]
Jul 12, 2023 5:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Wrong-Way Crash on East Katella Avenue [Orange County, CA]
california | N Tustin St |
Suspected DUI Collision in North Tustin Street Left Man Dead ORANGE COUNTY, CA (July 12, 2023) - Saturday evening, a wrong-way crash on East Katella Avenue left a male driver fatally injured.[...]
Jul 12, 2023 1:19pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Jennifer Ellis Killed, Wallowa Bates Arrested after DUI Collision on Minnewawa Avenue [Fresno County, CA]
S Minnewawa Ave |
FRESNO COUNTY, CA (July 11, 2023) - Late Monday afternoon, Jennifer Ellis was killed in a DUI collision on Minnewawa Avenue ... the northbound Willow Avenue, south of International Avenue ...[...]
Jul 11, 2023 09:29am | 3 views | source: Bing

Woman Dead Following Rollover Accident on Interstate 15 [Las Vegas, NV]
I-15 Near American F |
1 Injured after Fatal Single Car Collision near Craig Road LAS VEGAS, NV (July 7, 2023) - Late Sunday morning, a passenger sustained injuries after a fatal single-car accident on Interstate 15.[...]
Jul 07, 2023 04:58am | 3 views | source: Bing

Get Cheap Car Insurance In Texas 2025
texas | Texas Plaza Dr |
Texas ranks 13th in our analysis of '?The Riskiest States To Drive In,'? due in part to having the second highest number of drunk drivers involved in fatal car accidents (16.81 per 100,000 ...[...]
Jul 05, 2023 08:29am | 4 views | source: Bing

Girl Killed in U-Haul vs Electric Scooter Collision on Pecos Road [Henderson, NV]
prince edward island | PECOS RD |
HENDERSON, NV (July 3, 2023) - Friday morning, a girl was killed in a U-Haul vs electric scooter collision on Pecos Road. Authorities responded to the scene shortly before 10:30 p.m., near ...[...]
Jul 03, 2023 3:30pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Fatal crash on Highway 280 off-ramp shuts down lanes
I-280 Near Los Altos |
All southbound lanes of Interstate Highway 280 near the El Monte Road off-ramp in Santa Clara County were shut down for several hours early Saturday morning due to a fatal crash, the California ...[...]
Jul 29, 2023 08:57am | 6 views | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on East 17th Street [Santa Ana, CA]
florida | 17th St E |
SANTA ANA, CA (July 25, 2023) - A driver was fatally injured following a two-vehicle crash on East 17th Street Saturday morning. Officers responded to the fatal collision around 8:00 a.m. at the ...[...]
Jul 25, 2023 01:00am | 3 views | source: Bing

Rider Dies in Motorcycle Collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway [Petaluma, CA]
Sonoma Pkwy |
PETALUMA, CA (July 18, 2023) - Friday night, one rider was killed in a motorcycle collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway. Police responded to the scene around 6:50 p.m., near Linnet Lane.[...]
Jul 18, 2023 11:50am | 4 views | source: Bing

Alyssa Taylor Sandoval Arrested after Fatal DUI Crash on Elkhorn Boulevard [Sacramento, CA]
california | Elkhorn Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (July 13, 2023) - Police arrested Alyssa Taylor Sandoval following a DUI crash on Elkhorn Boulevard that left two pedestrians fatally injured. The fatal collision happened around ...[...]
Jul 12, 2023 5:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Wrong-Way Crash on East Katella Avenue [Orange County, CA]
california | Katella Ave |
Suspected DUI Collision in North Tustin Street Left Man Dead ORANGE COUNTY, CA (July 12, 2023) - Saturday evening, a wrong-way crash on East Katella Avenue left a male driver fatally injured.[...]
Jul 12, 2023 1:19pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Jennifer Ellis Killed, Wallowa Bates Arrested after DUI Collision on Minnewawa Avenue [Fresno County, CA]
S Minnewawa Ave |
FRESNO COUNTY, CA (July 11, 2023) - Late Monday afternoon, Jennifer Ellis was killed in a DUI collision on Minnewawa Avenue ... the northbound Willow Avenue, south of International Avenue ...[...]
Jul 11, 2023 09:29am | 3 views | source: Bing

1 Fatally Struck in Pedestrian Collision on Interstate 580 [Alameda County, CA]
Castro Valley | california | I-580 E |
ALAMEDA COUNTY, CA (July 10, 2023) - Monday morning, one victim was fatally struck in a pedestrian collision on Interstate 580. Police responded ... the highway, just east of 167th Avenue.[...]
Jul 10, 2023 09:29am | 4 views | source: Bing

Kennan Ruiz Dies in Bicycle Collision on Railroad Canyon Road [Canyon Lake, CA]
california | Railroad Canyon |
CANYON LAKE, CA (July 10, 2023) - Saturday evening, Kennan Ruiz was killed in a bicycle collision on Railroad Canyon Road. Authorities responded to the scene on June 10th, at around 9:50 p.m ...[...]
Jul 09, 2023 5:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Woman Dead Following Rollover Accident on Interstate 15 [Las Vegas, NV]
I-15 Near American F |
1 Injured after Fatal Single Car Collision near Craig Road LAS VEGAS, NV (July 7, 2023) - Late Sunday morning, a passenger sustained injuries after a fatal single-car accident on Interstate 15.[...]
Jul 07, 2023 04:58am | 3 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Fiery Collision on Interstate 5 [San Joaquin County, CA]
I-5 Near San Juan Ca |
SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, CA (July 6, 2023) - A person was killed in a fiery collision involving a big rig on Interstate 5 early Friday morning. The deadly crash happened around 4:06 a.m. on I-5 ...[...]
Jul 05, 2023 9:06pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Girl Killed in U-Haul vs Electric Scooter Collision on Pecos Road [Henderson, NV]
prince edward island | PECOS RD |
HENDERSON, NV (July 3, 2023) - Friday morning, a girl was killed in a U-Haul vs electric scooter collision on Pecos Road. Authorities responded to the scene shortly before 10:30 p.m., near ...[...]
Jul 03, 2023 3:30pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Kailey Saenz Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on McCutchen Road [Bakersfield, CA]
california | Mccutchen Rd |
10-Year-Old Girl Pronounced Dead in Traffic Collision Near Mountain Ridge Drive BAKERSFIELD, CA (July 3 ... at around 4:19 p.m. between McCutchen Road and Mountain Ridge Drive.[...]
Jul 03, 2023 09:19am | 3 views | source: Bing

Fatal crash on Highway 280 off-ramp shuts down lanes
california | I-280 Near Campbell |
All southbound lanes of Interstate Highway 280 near the El Monte Road off-ramp in Santa Clara County were shut down for several hours early Saturday morning due to a fatal crash, the California ...[...]
Jul 29, 2023 08:57am | 4 views | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on East 17th Street [Santa Ana, CA]
california | E 17th St |
SANTA ANA, CA (July 25, 2023) - A driver was fatally injured following a two-vehicle crash on East 17th Street Saturday morning. Officers responded to the fatal collision around 8:00 a.m. at the ...[...]
Jul 25, 2023 01:00am | 3 views | source: Bing

Man Killed in Pedestrian Crash on Highway 85 [San Jose, CA]
Ca-85 |
SAN JOSE, CA (July 24, 2023) - Monday morning, a pedestrian crash on Highway 85 claimed the life of a man. The incident happened at around 4:45 a.m., near the Camden Avenue exit. According to ...[...]
Jul 23, 2023 9:45pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Morgan Baker Killed in Hit-and-Run Crash on Interstate 5 [Fife, WA]
washington | I-5 Near Fife |
FIFE, WA (July 20, 2023 ... The crash happened on July 19th, just after 3:15 a.m., in the northbound lanes of Interstate 5, near 54th Avenue East. According to reports, motorcyclist Morgan ...[...]
Jul 19, 2023 8:15pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Rider Dies in Motorcycle Collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway [Petaluma, CA]
Sonoma Pkwy |
PETALUMA, CA (July 18, 2023) - Friday night, one rider was killed in a motorcycle collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway. Police responded to the scene around 6:50 p.m., near Linnet Lane.[...]
Jul 18, 2023 11:50am | 5 views | source: Bing

Alyssa Taylor Sandoval Arrested after Fatal DUI Crash on Elkhorn Boulevard [Sacramento, CA]
california | Elkhorn Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (July 13, 2023) - Police arrested Alyssa Taylor Sandoval following a DUI crash on Elkhorn Boulevard that left two pedestrians fatally injured. The fatal collision happened around ...[...]
Jul 12, 2023 5:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Wrong-Way Crash on East Katella Avenue [Orange County, CA]
california | Katella Way |
Suspected DUI Collision in North Tustin Street Left Man Dead ORANGE COUNTY, CA (July 12, 2023) - Saturday evening, a wrong-way crash on East Katella Avenue left a male driver fatally injured.[...]
Jul 12, 2023 1:19pm | 6 views | source: Bing

Jennifer Ellis Killed, Wallowa Bates Arrested after DUI Collision on Minnewawa Avenue [Fresno County, CA]
S Minnewawa Ave |
FRESNO COUNTY, CA (July 11, 2023) - Late Monday afternoon, Jennifer Ellis was killed in a DUI collision on Minnewawa Avenue ... the northbound Willow Avenue, south of International Avenue ...[...]
Jul 11, 2023 09:29am | 3 views | source: Bing

1 Fatally Struck in Pedestrian Collision on Interstate 580 [Alameda County, CA]
E I-580 |
Investigators say the driver of a vehicle struck a pedestrian who was attempting to cross the highway, just east of 167th Avenue ... collision on Interstate 580. In this sorrowful time, the ...[...]
Jul 10, 2023 09:29am | 4 views | source: Bing

Woman Dead Following Rollover Accident on Interstate 15 [Las Vegas, NV]
Jean | nevada | I-15 |
1 Injured after Fatal Single Car Collision near Craig Road LAS VEGAS, NV (July 7, 2023) - Late Sunday morning, a passenger sustained injuries after a fatal single-car accident on Interstate 15.[...]
Jul 07, 2023 04:58am | 2 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Fiery Collision on Interstate 5 [San Joaquin County, CA]
I-5 Near San Juan Ca |
SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, CA (July 6, 2023) - A person was killed in a fiery collision involving a big rig on Interstate 5 early Friday morning. The deadly crash happened around 4:06 a.m. on I-5 ...[...]
Jul 05, 2023 9:06pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Girl Killed in U-Haul vs Electric Scooter Collision on Pecos Road [Henderson, NV]
prince edward island | PECOS RD |
HENDERSON, NV (July 3, 2023) - Friday morning, a girl was killed in a U-Haul vs electric scooter collision on Pecos Road. Authorities responded to the scene shortly before 10:30 p.m., near ...[...]
Jul 03, 2023 3:30pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Kailey Saenz Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on McCutchen Road [Bakersfield, CA]
california | Mccutchen Rd |
10-Year-Old Girl Pronounced Dead in Traffic Collision Near Mountain Ridge Drive BAKERSFIELD, CA (July 3 ... at around 4:19 p.m. between McCutchen Road and Mountain Ridge Drive.[...]
Jul 03, 2023 09:19am | 2 views | source: Bing

Humberto Munoz Vasquez Killed in Two-Vehicle Collision on Panama Lane [Bakersfield, CA]
california | Panama Ln |
CA (July 3, 2023) - Early Sunday morning, Humberto Munoz Vasquez was fatally injured in a two-vehicle collision on Panama Lane. Police responded to the scene around 3:15 a.m., at the ...[...]
Jul 02, 2023 8:15pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Fatal crash on Highway 280 off-ramp shuts down lanes
california | I-280 Near Lakeview |
All southbound lanes of Interstate Highway 280 near the El Monte Road off-ramp in Santa Clara County were shut down for several hours early Saturday morning due to a fatal crash, the California ...[...]
Jul 29, 2023 01:33am | 4 views | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on East 17th Street [Santa Ana, CA]
california | E 17th St |
SANTA ANA, CA (July 25, 2023) - A driver was fatally injured following a two-vehicle crash on East 17th Street Saturday morning. Officers responded to the fatal collision around 8:00 a.m. at the ...[...]
Jul 25, 2023 01:00am | 3 views | source: Bing

Man Killed in Pedestrian Crash on West Wapato Road [Yakima County, WA]
washington | West Wapato Rd |
YAKIMA COUNTY, WA (July 20, 2023) - Late Tuesday night, a man was killed in a deadly pedestrian crash on West Wapato Road. The incident occurred at around 11:15 p.m., on July 18th, on the 2300 ...[...]
Jul 20, 2023 4:15pm | 5 views | source: Bing

Morgan Baker Killed in Hit-and-Run Crash on Interstate 5 [Fife, WA]
washington | I-5 Near East Queen |
The crash happened on July 19th, just after 3:15 a.m., in the northbound lanes of Interstate 5, near 54th Avenue East. According to reports, motorcyclist Morgan Baker, was struck by a speeding BMW ...[...]
Jul 19, 2023 8:15pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Rider Dies in Motorcycle Collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway [Petaluma, CA]
Sonoma Pkwy |
PETALUMA, CA (July 18, 2023) - Friday night, one rider was killed in a motorcycle collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway. Police responded to the scene around 6:50 p.m., near Linnet Lane.[...]
Jul 18, 2023 11:50am | 3 views | source: Bing

3 Killed in Multi-Vehicle Collision on Thunderbird Road [Phoenix, AZ]
Thunderbird Rd |
Upon investigation, the officers discovered that an impaired driver was traveling westbound on Thunderbird Road. They crashed into a red Chevrolet Traverse headed south on I-17 Southbound Access ...[...]
Jul 16, 2023 8:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Alyssa Taylor Sandoval Arrested after Fatal DUI Crash on Elkhorn Boulevard [Sacramento, CA]
california | Elkhorn Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (July 13, 2023) - Police arrested Alyssa Taylor Sandoval following a DUI crash on Elkhorn Boulevard that left two pedestrians fatally injured. The fatal collision happened around ...[...]
Jul 12, 2023 5:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Wrong-Way Crash on East Katella Avenue [Orange County, CA]
W Katella Ave |
Katella Avenue and N. Tustin Street. At around 8:20 p.m., the driver woke up and continued traveling west on Katella as patrol officers make their way to the scene. The Hyundai driver then veered ...[...]
Jul 12, 2023 1:19pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Jennifer Ellis Killed, Wallowa Bates Arrested after DUI Collision on Minnewawa Avenue [Fresno County, CA]
S Minnewawa Ave |
FRESNO COUNTY, CA (July 11, 2023) - Late Monday afternoon, Jennifer Ellis was killed in a DUI collision on Minnewawa Avenue ... the northbound Willow Avenue, south of International Avenue ...[...]
Jul 11, 2023 09:29am | 4 views | source: Bing

Juan Rafael Bautista Pronounced Dead Following Three-Car Collision on Vasco Road [Byron, CA]
california | Vasco Rd |
3 Injured in Fatal Head-on Crash near Camino Diablo BYRON, CA (July 11, 2023) - Wednesday afternoon, a head-on collision on Vasco Road left Juan Rafael Bautista dead and three others injured.[...]
Jul 10, 2023 7:00pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Kennan Ruiz Dies in Bicycle Collision on Railroad Canyon Road [Canyon Lake, CA]
california | Railroad Canyon |
CANYON LAKE, CA (July 10, 2023) - Saturday evening, Kennan Ruiz was killed in a bicycle collision on Railroad Canyon Road. Authorities responded to the scene on June 10th, at around 9:50 p.m ...[...]
Jul 09, 2023 5:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Woman Dead Following Rollover Accident on Interstate 15 [Las Vegas, NV]
I-15 Near American F |
1 Injured after Fatal Single Car Collision near Craig Road LAS VEGAS, NV (July 7, 2023) - Late Sunday morning, a passenger sustained injuries after a fatal single-car accident on Interstate 15.[...]
Jul 07, 2023 04:58am | 3 views | source: Bing

Cornelio Tovar Fatally Struck in Pedestrian Collision on Ygnacio Valley Road [Walnut Creek, CA]
Ygnacio Valley Rd |
WALNUT CREEK, CA (July 7, 2023) - Monday afternoon, Cornelio Tovar was fatally struck in a pedestrian collision on Ygnacio Valley Road. Police responded to the scene around 1:21 p.m., near ...[...]
Jul 06, 2023 5:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Fiery Collision on Interstate 5 [San Joaquin County, CA]
I-5 Near San Juan Ca |
SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, CA (July 6, 2023) - A person was killed in a fiery collision involving a big rig on Interstate 5 early Friday morning. The deadly crash happened around 4:06 a.m. on I-5 ...[...]
Jul 05, 2023 9:06pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Girl Killed in U-Haul vs Electric Scooter Collision on Pecos Road [Henderson, NV]
prince edward island | PECOS RD |
HENDERSON, NV (July 3, 2023) - Friday morning, a girl was killed in a U-Haul vs electric scooter collision on Pecos Road. Authorities responded to the scene shortly before 10:30 p.m., near ...[...]
Jul 03, 2023 3:30pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Kailey Saenz Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on McCutchen Road [Bakersfield, CA]
california | Mccutchen Rd |
10-Year-Old Girl Pronounced Dead in Traffic Collision Near Mountain Ridge Drive BAKERSFIELD, CA (July 3 ... at around 4:19 p.m. between McCutchen Road and Mountain Ridge Drive.[...]
Jul 03, 2023 09:19am | 3 views | source: Bing

Humberto Munoz Vasquez Killed in Two-Vehicle Collision on Panama Lane [Bakersfield, CA]
california | Panama Ln |
CA (July 3, 2023) - Early Sunday morning, Humberto Munoz Vasquez was fatally injured in a two-vehicle collision on Panama Lane. Police responded to the scene around 3:15 a.m., at the ...[...]
Jul 02, 2023 8:15pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Fatal crash on Highway 280 off-ramp shuts down lanes
I-280 Near Los Altos |
All southbound lanes of Interstate Highway 280 near the El Monte Road off-ramp in Santa Clara County were shut down for several hours early Saturday morning due to a fatal crash, the California ...[...]
Jul 29, 2023 01:33am | 3 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Motorcycle Collision on Interstate 5 [Seattle, WA]
washington | I-5 Near Castle Rock |
SEATTLE, WA (July 28, 2023) - Late Tuesday night, police responded to a deadly motorcycle collision on Interstate 5 that killed one person. The incident happened on July 25th, just before 9:00 p ...[...]
Jul 28, 2023 2:00pm | 5 views | source: Bing

Luis Romero In Custody after Fatal Hit-and-Run on Buhach Road [Merced, CA]
california | N Buhach Rd |
MERCED, CA (July ... of Buhach Road and Highway 140. According to the investigators, a driver of a Nissan Sentra was attempting to make a left turn onto the southbound Buhach Rd. At the same ...[...]
Jul 26, 2023 3:01pm | 6 views | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on East 17th Street [Santa Ana, CA]
california | 17th St E |
SANTA ANA, CA (July 25, 2023) - A driver was fatally injured following a two-vehicle crash on East 17th Street Saturday morning. Officers responded to the fatal collision around 8:00 a.m. at the ...[...]
Jul 25, 2023 01:00am | 4 views | source: Bing

Man Killed in Pedestrian Crash on West Wapato Road [Yakima County, WA]
washington | West Wapato Rd |
YAKIMA COUNTY, WA (July 20, 2023) - Late Tuesday night, a man was killed in a deadly pedestrian crash on West Wapato Road. The incident occurred at around 11:15 p.m., on July 18th, on the 2300 ...[...]
Jul 20, 2023 4:15pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Morgan Baker Killed in Hit-and-Run Crash on Interstate 5 [Fife, WA]
washington | I-5 Near Fife |
FIFE, WA (July 20, 2023 ... The crash happened on July 19th, just after 3:15 a.m., in the northbound lanes of Interstate 5, near 54th Avenue East. According to reports, motorcyclist Morgan ...[...]
Jul 19, 2023 8:15pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Rider Dies in Motorcycle Collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway [Petaluma, CA]
Sonoma Pkwy |
PETALUMA, CA (July 18, 2023) - Friday night, one rider was killed in a motorcycle collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway. Police responded to the scene around 6:50 p.m., near Linnet Lane.[...]
Jul 18, 2023 11:50am | 4 views | source: Bing

Alyssa Taylor Sandoval Arrested after Fatal DUI Crash on Elkhorn Boulevard [Sacramento, CA]
california | Elkhorn Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (July 13, 2023) - Police arrested Alyssa Taylor Sandoval following a DUI crash on Elkhorn Boulevard that left two pedestrians fatally injured. The fatal collision happened around ...[...]
Jul 12, 2023 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Wrong-Way Crash on East Katella Avenue [Orange County, CA]
california | 9510 Katella Ave |
Suspected DUI Collision in North Tustin Street Left Man Dead ORANGE COUNTY, CA (July 12, 2023) - Saturday evening, a wrong-way crash on East Katella Avenue left a male driver fatally injured.[...]
Jul 12, 2023 1:19pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Deadly auto-pedestrian crash shuts down I-35 southbound in far north Austin
texas | 1-35 E Southbound |
Travis County Sheriff's deputies shut down the southbound lanes of Interstate 35 in far-north Austin after a person was hit and killed by a vehicle early Wednesday morning. https: / / ...[...]
Jul 12, 2023 04:09am | 4 views | source: Bing

Jennifer Ellis Killed, Wallowa Bates Arrested after DUI Collision on Minnewawa Avenue [Fresno County, CA]
S Minnewawa Ave |
FRESNO COUNTY, CA (July 11, 2023) - Late Monday afternoon, Jennifer Ellis was killed in a DUI collision on Minnewawa Avenue ... the northbound Willow Avenue, south of International Avenue ...[...]
Jul 11, 2023 09:29am | 2 views | source: Bing

Juan Rafael Bautista Pronounced Dead Following Three-Car Collision on Vasco Road [Byron, CA]
california | Vasco Rd |
3 Injured in Fatal Head-on Crash near Camino Diablo BYRON, CA (July 11, 2023) - Wednesday afternoon, a head-on collision on Vasco Road left Juan Rafael Bautista dead and three others injured.[...]
Jul 10, 2023 7:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Kennan Ruiz Dies in Bicycle Collision on Railroad Canyon Road [Canyon Lake, CA]
california | Railroad Canyon |
CANYON LAKE, CA (July 10, 2023) - Saturday evening, Kennan Ruiz was killed in a bicycle collision on Railroad Canyon Road. Authorities responded to the scene on June 10th, at around 9:50 p.m ...[...]
Jul 09, 2023 5:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Woman Dead Following Rollover Accident on Interstate 15 [Las Vegas, NV]
nevada | I-15 Near Las Vegas |
1 Injured after Fatal Single Car Collision near Craig Road LAS VEGAS, NV (July 7, 2023) - Late Sunday morning, a passenger sustained injuries after a fatal single-car accident on Interstate 15.[...]
Jul 07, 2023 04:58am | 3 views | source: Bing

One Killed in Fiery Collision on Interstate 5 [San Joaquin County, CA]
I-5 Near San Juan Ca |
SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, CA (July 6, 2023) - A person was killed in a fiery collision involving a big rig on Interstate 5 early Friday morning. The deadly crash happened around 4:06 a.m. on I-5 ...[...]
Jul 05, 2023 9:06pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Kailey Saenz Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on McCutchen Road [Bakersfield, CA]
california | Mccutchen Rd |
10-Year-Old Girl Pronounced Dead in Traffic Collision Near Mountain Ridge Drive BAKERSFIELD, CA (July 3 ... at around 4:19 p.m. between McCutchen Road and Mountain Ridge Drive.[...]
Jul 03, 2023 09:19am | 3 views | source: Bing

Humberto Munoz Vasquez Killed in Two-Vehicle Collision on Panama Lane [Bakersfield, CA]
california | Panama Ln |
CA (July 3, 2023) - Early Sunday morning, Humberto Munoz Vasquez was fatally injured in a two-vehicle collision on Panama Lane. Police responded to the scene around 3:15 a.m., at the ...[...]
Jul 02, 2023 8:15pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Fatal crash on Highway 280 off-ramp shuts down lanes
US 280 |
All southbound lanes of Interstate Highway 280 near the El Monte Road off-ramp in Santa Clara County were shut down for several hours early Saturday morning due to a fatal crash, the California ...[...]
Jul 29, 2023 01:33am | 5 views | source: Bing

Luis Romero In Custody after Fatal Hit-and-Run on Buhach Road [Merced, CA]
california | N Buhach Rd |
MERCED, CA (July ... of Buhach Road and Highway 140. According to the investigators, a driver of a Nissan Sentra was attempting to make a left turn onto the southbound Buhach Rd. At the same ...[...]
Jul 26, 2023 3:01pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Inkster police investigating after body found in field
indiana | Inkster |
Read full article: Man killed, woman injured in single-vehicle crash in Leanwee County Photo from a Pontiac home where 3 children had been abandoned for years. Read full article: Freshen your ...[...]
Jul 26, 2023 10:27am | 1 view | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on East 17th Street [Santa Ana, CA]
california | 17th St E |
SANTA ANA, CA (July 25, 2023) - A driver was fatally injured following a two-vehicle crash on East 17th Street Saturday morning. Officers responded to the fatal collision around 8:00 a.m. at the ...[...]
Jul 25, 2023 01:00am | 3 views | source: Bing

Man Killed in Pedestrian Crash on West Wapato Road [Yakima County, WA]
washington | West Wapato Rd |
YAKIMA COUNTY, WA (July 20, 2023) - Late Tuesday night, a man was killed in a deadly pedestrian crash on West Wapato Road. The incident occurred at around 11:15 p.m., on July 18th, on the 2300 ...[...]
Jul 20, 2023 4:15pm | 5 views | source: Bing

Motorcyclist Dies in Semi-Truck Collision on Interstate 15 [Temecula, CA]
Temecula | california | I-15 |
TEMECULA, CA (July 19, 2023) - Thursday evening, a motorcyclist was killed in a semi-truck collision on Interstate 15. Officers responded to the scene around 6:15 p.m., on the northbound lanes ...[...]
Jul 19, 2023 3:24pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Rider Dies in Motorcycle Collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway [Petaluma, CA]
Sonoma Pkwy |
PETALUMA, CA (July 18, 2023) - Friday night, one rider was killed in a motorcycle collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway. Police responded to the scene around 6:50 p.m., near Linnet Lane.[...]
Jul 18, 2023 11:50am | 2 views | source: Bing

Alyssa Taylor Sandoval Arrested after Fatal DUI Crash on Elkhorn Boulevard [Sacramento, CA]
california | Elkhorn Rd |
SACRAMENTO, CA (July 13, 2023) - Police arrested Alyssa Taylor Sandoval following a DUI crash on Elkhorn Boulevard that left two pedestrians fatally injured. The fatal collision happened around ...[...]
Jul 12, 2023 5:00pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Wrong-Way Crash on East Katella Avenue [Orange County, CA]
california | Katella Way |
Suspected DUI Collision in North Tustin Street Left Man Dead ORANGE COUNTY, CA (July 12, 2023) - Saturday evening, a wrong-way crash on East Katella Avenue left a male driver fatally injured.[...]
Jul 12, 2023 1:19pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Jennifer Ellis Killed, Wallowa Bates Arrested after DUI Collision on Minnewawa Avenue [Fresno County, CA]
S Minnewawa Ave |
FRESNO COUNTY, CA (July 11, 2023) - Late Monday afternoon, Jennifer Ellis was killed in a DUI collision on Minnewawa Avenue ... the northbound Willow Avenue, south of International Avenue ...[...]
Jul 11, 2023 09:29am | 2 views | source: Bing

Juan Rafael Bautista Pronounced Dead Following Three-Car Collision on Vasco Road [Byron, CA]
california | Vasco Rd |
3 Injured in Fatal Head-on Crash near Camino Diablo BYRON, CA (July 11, 2023) - Wednesday afternoon, a head-on collision on Vasco Road left Juan Rafael Bautista dead and three others injured.[...]
Jul 10, 2023 7:00pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Woman Dead Following Rollover Accident on Interstate 15 [Las Vegas, NV]
I-15 Near American F |
1 Injured after Fatal Single Car Collision near Craig Road LAS VEGAS, NV (July 7, 2023) - Late Sunday morning, a passenger sustained injuries after a fatal single-car accident on Interstate 15.[...]
Jul 07, 2023 04:58am | 2 views | source: Bing

Cornelio Tovar Fatally Struck in Pedestrian Collision on Ygnacio Valley Road [Walnut Creek, CA]
2995 Ygnacio Valley |
WALNUT CREEK, CA (July 7, 2023) - Monday afternoon, Cornelio Tovar was fatally struck in a pedestrian collision on Ygnacio Valley Road. Police responded to the scene around 1:21 p.m., near ...[...]
Jul 06, 2023 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

One Killed in Fiery Collision on Interstate 5 [San Joaquin County, CA]
I-5 Near San Juan Ca |
SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, CA (July 6, 2023) - A person was killed in a fiery collision involving a big rig on Interstate 5 early Friday morning. The deadly crash happened around 4:06 a.m. on I-5 ...[...]
Jul 05, 2023 9:06pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Girl Killed in U-Haul vs Electric Scooter Collision on Pecos Road [Henderson, NV]
nevada | S Pecos Rd |
HENDERSON, NV (July 3, 2023) - Friday morning, a girl was killed in a U-Haul vs electric scooter collision on Pecos Road. Authorities responded to the scene shortly before 10:30 p.m., near ...[...]
Jul 03, 2023 3:30pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Kailey Saenz Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on McCutchen Road [Bakersfield, CA]
california | Mccutchen Rd |
10-Year-Old Girl Pronounced Dead in Traffic Collision Near Mountain Ridge Drive BAKERSFIELD, CA (July 3 ... at around 4:19 p.m. between McCutchen Road and Mountain Ridge Drive.[...]
Jul 03, 2023 09:19am | 1 view | source: Bing

Humberto Munoz Vasquez Killed in Two-Vehicle Collision on Panama Lane [Bakersfield, CA]
california | Panama Ln |
CA (July 3, 2023) - Early Sunday morning, Humberto Munoz Vasquez was fatally injured in a two-vehicle collision on Panama Lane. Police responded to the scene around 3:15 a.m., at the ...[...]
Jul 02, 2023 8:15pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Rosanna Breuninger Killed after Hit-and-Run Crash on 12th Street [Albuquerque, NM]
Los Arboles Ave |
The incident happened on July 22nd, just after 12:00 a.m., in the area of 12th Street Northwest and Los Arboles Avenue Northwest. Furthermore, a silver car took Breuninger to her home near Second ...[...]
Jul 30, 2023 5:00pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Fatal crash on Highway 280 off-ramp shuts down lanes
Belmont | california | I-280 |
All southbound lanes of Interstate Highway 280 near the El Monte Road off-ramp in Santa Clara County were shut down for several hours early Saturday morning due to a fatal crash, the California ...[...]
Jul 29, 2023 01:33am | 3 views | source: Bing

Luis Romero In Custody after Fatal Hit-and-Run on Buhach Road [Merced, CA]
california | N Buhach Rd |
MERCED, CA (July ... of Buhach Road and Highway 140. According to the investigators, a driver of a Nissan Sentra was attempting to make a left turn onto the southbound Buhach Rd. At the same ...[...]
Jul 26, 2023 3:01pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Inkster police investigating after body found in field
indiana | Inkster |
Read full article: Man killed, woman injured in single-vehicle crash in Leanwee County Photo from a Pontiac home where 3 children had been abandoned for years. Read full article: Freshen your ...[...]
Jul 26, 2023 10:27am | 5 views | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Two-Vehicle Crash on East 17th Street [Santa Ana, CA]
california | E 17th St |
SANTA ANA, CA (July 25, 2023) - A driver was fatally injured following a two-vehicle crash on East 17th Street Saturday morning. Officers responded to the fatal collision around 8:00 a.m. at the ...[...]
Jul 25, 2023 01:00am | 3 views | source: Bing

Man Killed in Pedestrian Crash on West Wapato Road [Yakima County, WA]
washington | West Wapato Rd |
YAKIMA COUNTY, WA (July 20, 2023) - Late Tuesday night, a man was killed in a deadly pedestrian crash on West Wapato Road. The incident occurred at around 11:15 p.m., on July 18th, on the 2300 ...[...]
Jul 20, 2023 4:15pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Motorcyclist Dies in Semi-Truck Collision on Interstate 15 [Temecula, CA]
Temecula | california | I-15 |
TEMECULA, CA (July 19, 2023) - Thursday evening, a motorcyclist was killed in a semi-truck collision on Interstate 15. Officers responded to the scene around 6:15 p.m., on the northbound lanes ...[...]
Jul 19, 2023 3:24pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Rider Dies in Motorcycle Collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway [Petaluma, CA]
Sonoma Pkwy |
PETALUMA, CA (July 18, 2023) - Friday night, one rider was killed in a motorcycle collision on Sonoma Mountain Parkway. Police responded to the scene around 6:50 p.m., near Linnet Lane.[...]
Jul 18, 2023 11:50am | 3 views | source: Bing

6 Killed in 2-Car Accident on State Route 509 [Tacoma, WA]
washington | Sr 509 |
TACOMA, WA (July 17, 2023 ... the Kia then collided with a BMW SUV that was traveling north on SR 509. Upon impact, the Kia veered off the right side of the road before coming to rest in ...[...]
Jul 17, 2023 04:17am | 3 views | source: Bing

Charges pending after deadly Wilson County crash, police say
tennessee | Saundersville Rd |
Just after 9 p.m., a white truck with two men inside pulled onto Saundersville Ferry Road where it was hit by ... white pickup truck died on the scene. Tennessee Highway Patrol troopers were ...[...]
Jul 13, 2023 02:07am | 2 views | source: Bing

Driver Killed in Wrong-Way Crash on East Katella Avenue [Orange County, CA]
california | Katella Ave |
Suspected DUI Collision in North Tustin Street Left Man Dead ORANGE COUNTY, CA (July 12, 2023) - Saturday evening, a wrong-way crash on East Katella Avenue left a male driver fatally injured.[...]
Jul 12, 2023 1:19pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Jennifer Ellis Killed, Wallowa Bates Arrested after DUI Collision on Minnewawa Avenue [Fresno County, CA]
california | Ellis Ave |
FRESNO COUNTY, CA (July 11, 2023) - Late Monday afternoon, Jennifer Ellis was killed in a DUI collision on Minnewawa Avenue. The incident occurred around 4:30 p.m., near International Avenue.[...]
Jul 11, 2023 09:29am | 2 views | source: Bing

Juan Rafael Bautista Pronounced Dead Following Three-Car Collision on Vasco Road [Byron, CA]
california | Vasco Rd |
3 Injured in Fatal Head-on Crash near Camino Diablo BYRON, CA (July 11, 2023) - Wednesday afternoon, a head-on collision on Vasco Road left Juan Rafael Bautista dead and three others injured.[...]
Jul 10, 2023 7:00pm | 2 views | source: Bing

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