@XLexTalionisX@XLexTalionisX Our crews focus first on the interstates/state roadways with the highest traffic, then plow other state routes. Follow the plows between Manitou and Divide on https://t.co/bjBVfk462O or on the COtrip Planner app.
Closed in #ClearCrk on I-70 WB between Herman Gulch Rd/Exit 218 and The Eisenhower Tunl (MP 214), stopped traffic back to Silver Plume / Exit 226 #COtraffichttps://t.co/gWR42BHdvb
Closed in #ClearCrk on I-70 WB between US-6/Loveland Pass/Exit 216 and The Eisenhower Tunl (MP 214), stopped traffic back to Herman Gulch Rd/Exit 218 #COtraffichttps://t.co/gWR42BHdvb
Closed in #Smt on I-70 EB between CO-9/Frisco (east)/Exit 203 and US-6/Loveland Pass/Exit 216, stopped traffic back to Vail/Exit 180 #COtraffichttps://t.co/gWR42BHdvb