An employee with the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) was injured on Thursday, May 30, 2024, when the mower he was operating was struck by a driver who lost control ...[...]
PAWTUCKET, R.I. (WJAR) - A tractor-trailer rolled over and shut down Interstate 95 north in Pawtucket during the Wednesday morning commute. The truck was righted using cranes, and traffic was ...[...]
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The driver of the truck was taken the hospital, but the bees that were bound for Washington County were largely spared in the Thursday evening crash, officials said.[...]
Eucalitto said he's been in communication with state DOTs down to Delaware up through Massachusetts. They've put message boards in their states informing truckers to avoid I-95. Eucalitto said that a ...[...]
May 03, 2024 01:58am| 18 views| source: Bing / wqad
Passenger vehicles can access Route 7 and travel ... Delaware up through Massachusetts. They've put message boards in their states informing truckers to avoid I-95. Eucalitto said that a temporary ...[...]