Montana DUI Accidents

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Montana state senator pleads guilty to DUI
montana | Helena Mt |
Ellie Boldman, a Democrat state senator from Missoula, pleaded guilty on Monday, March 3, 2025, to driving under the influence in Helena.[...]
Mar 04, 2025 7:37pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Montana state Sen. Ellie Boldman of Missoula pleads guilty to DUI
montana | Helena Mt |
MISSOULA - A Democratic lawmaker from Missoula pleaded guilty in Helena on Monday to driving under the influence. According to a police report, Sen. Ellie Boldman was found sleeping in her running ...[...]
Mar 04, 2025 3:21pm | 1 view | source: Bing

Montana man arrested in northern Idaho after eluding police in stolen vehicle
montana | I-90 |
The following is a news release from Idaho State Police. WALLACE - On March 3 about 2 p.m., the Shoshone County Sheriff's Office received a traffic complaint of a possible DUI on a silver 2005 Honda ...[...]
Mar 04, 2025 05:56am | 2 views | source: Bing

Montana House kills bill that would have made 3rd DUI conviction a felony
montana | Helena Mt |
HELENA, Mont. - A bill strengthening DUI penalties and making a third conviction a felony has been killed on the House floor. House Bill 542 failed to clear second reading on Monday on a 33-66 vote, ...[...]
Mar 03, 2025 7:09pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Man accused of wrong-way driving while DUI on I-90 near Manhattan
montana | i-90 |
A man was arrested after allegedly driving on the interstate in the wrong direction while intoxicated near Manhattan on Saturday, March 1, 2025.[...]
Mar 03, 2025 2:52pm | 7 views | source: Bing / kxlf

Fundraiser supports Flathead woman's ongoing recovery after fatal DUI crash
montana | Near Bigfork |
A suspected drunk driver crashed into a family near Bigfork in December, killing a 33-year-old father-to-be, an unborn child and leaving Teressa Brandt fighting for her life.[...]
Feb 26, 2025 9:19pm | 2 views | source: Bing

Montana Highway Patrol Arrests Driver For His 5th DUI
montana | I-94 |
On February 23, 2025, a Montana Highway Patrol Trooper was driving on US Highway 93 when he observed a silver Dodge pickup weaving within its lane behind him. The trooper also saw the truck driving ...[...]
Feb 26, 2025 2:04pm | 6 views | source: Bing

Police ID driver accused of DUI following school-bus crash in Billings
montana | Yellowstone River Rd |
Billings police identified Monday the driver accused of driving under the influence and striking a school bus last week in the Billings Heights.[...]
Feb 18, 2025 07:32am | 1 view | source: Bing

Billings police charge man with DUI after crash with school bus
montana | Yellowstone River Rd |
BILLINGS, Mont. - The Billings Police Department responded to a crash on Thursday, involving a car and a school bus at the intersection of Yellowstone River Rd and Bench Blvd. The incident occurred on ...[...]
Feb 13, 2025 3:55pm | 4 views | source: Bing

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Older Montana 2438 Mt Highway 83 N DUI Accidents Reported by Our Users

Accident on NW Bypass
Great Falls | Montana | Nw Bypass
Seen Craig Shanholtzer on here, guy is drunk now and he gave my friend a STD look out if your on the slick roads near the bars he frequents. Big time loser. [...]
2 years ago | By Anonymous | 638 views | 3

Accident on NW Bypass
Great Falls | Montana | Nw Bypass
If anyone knows or sees Craig Shanholtzer he almost his someone leaving the bar lastnight he drives a white Chevy Pickup new 4 door. Drunk driver alert. [...]
2 years ago | By Anonymous | 382 views | 6

Beth Jones Powell
Clancy | Montana | Hey 282
Beth Jones Powell aka Federal Inmate seen drunk out on parole watch out for this scammer she will rob you and your family blind. [...]
2 years ago | By Luv my dog | 211 views |

Hazard on Custer Ave
Custer | Montana | Custer Ave
White Chevrolet Duramax Temporary AZ plates White drunk driver leaving Store on E Custer Ave headed north [...]
2 years ago | By Anonymous | 240 views |

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> from lat. manus - 'hand' and scribo - 'I write') ]  02:50am
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