Stone Canyon Inn Cabins A guy drives a Chevy pickup plate DSM838 drunk beating up in his gal. She was crying saying stop please. They should kick him out. [...]
Quail Creek RV Park followed a drunk driver to a camper site #19 on 6/16/23 9PM a white Chevrolet Truck plate # DSM838 Montana Drove us into a ditch. Karma sir or police will get you one day. MADD[...]
Koral Kafe Bar 5/6 7:17pm white Chevy truck Montana plates is DRUNK. Followed him mesquite after he swerved almost ran us off the road. Hes been in bar for 30 minutes now. [...]
White Chevrolet Truck Montana plates ran us into the ditch. We turned around and he pulled into RV park. Why dont they get these drunk drivers off the road. [...]