Used 2000 Kia Sportage for sale near Atlanta, GA
georgia | Kia Blvd |
61% of drivers recommend this car What are some similar vehicles and competitors of the 2000 Kia Sportage? The 2000 Kia Sportage compares to and / or competes against the following vehicles: ...[...]
Nov 03, 2020 4:00pm | 4 views | source: Bing
Five-year-old boy killed in two-car accident in Clarkesville
georgia | GA-385 |
A Mount Airy man is facing a DUI charge after a Monday morning two-vehicle accident on GA 385 in Clarkesville killed a five-year-old boy and seriously injured a Clarkesville man. According to a press ...[...]
Nov 16, 2020 05:12am | 5 views | source: Bing