Here Are The Best Deals In Off-Lease Electric Cars, And Why You Should Buy One
texas | Hwy-114 |
and it's rated at a combined city / highway 124 MPGe. Look for 2017 models equipped with the optional battery that affords a longer 114-mile range. Fair purchase price: $12,403 / $14,885.[...]
Aug 22, 2019 09:09am | 13 views | source: Bing
Here Are The Best Deals In Off-Lease Electric Cars, And Why You Should Buy One
texas | Hwy-114 |
and it's rated at a combined city / highway 124 MPGe. Look for 2017 models equipped with the optional battery that affords a longer 114-mile range. Fair purchase price: $12,403 / $14,885.[...]
Aug 22, 2019 09:09am | 13 views | source: Bing