April snowstorm dumps 20-25 cm of snow in southeast Manitoba, more still to come
manitoba | Hwy-340 |
Streets and highways - along with pretty much everything else outdoors in southern Manitoba - are layered in snow but the heaviest part of it may be over, says Environment Canada. "We have ...[...]
Apr 05, 2023 06:22am | 8 views | source: Bing
Rules of the road
manitoba | Hwy-340 |
The red mittens are my daytime reflector. Before I get on to the lesson I learned, here's what the Manitoba Highway Traffic Act says about riding a bike on our Winnipeg roads: A person operating ...[...]
Apr 30, 2023 01:51am | 22 views | source: Bing
Gov. Moore, state officials ask drivers to 'pay attention, slow down' near work zones
US 340 |
One of the vehicles was a 20-ton truck helping to pick up litter along Highway 340 at the end of February. Luckly, the crew was working away from the truck at the time of impact. Between 2017 and ...[...]
Apr 18, 2023 10:51am | 7 views | source: Bing
Gov. Moore, state officials ask drivers to 'pay attention, slow down' near work zones
maryland | US 340 |
One of the vehicles was a 20-ton truck helping to pick up litter along Highway 340 at the end of February ... work zone fatalities last year," said Maryland Secretary of Transportation Paul ...[...]
Apr 18, 2023 10:51am | 11 views | source: Bing