Weirdest laws passed in every state
oklahoma | State Highway 53 |
No eavesdropping Nosy people might be wise to avoid Oklahoma. According to state law ... sidewalk or highway within the hearing of persons passing by, upon or along such street, sidewalk or ...[...]
Jan 20, 2023 6:37pm | 7 views | source: Bing
Weirdest laws passed in every state
Star | idaho | US 2 |
According to state law, if a person "plays, sings or renders the ''Star Spangled Banner'' in any ... upon or near any street, sidewalk or highway within the hearing of persons passing by, upon ...[...]
Jan 20, 2023 6:37pm | 5 views | source: Bing
Weirdest laws passed in every state
virginia | US 1 Near Ark |
No 'lewd and lascivious' behavior before marriage In 1931, West Virginia passed a law ... or use obscene language upon or near any street, sidewalk or highway within the hearing of persons passing ...[...]
Jan 20, 2023 6:37pm | 10 views | source: Bing
Broken beaver dam caused Alaska Highway washout, officials say as detour opens
ontario | Hwy-420 Near Beaver |
Perhaps beavers need holidays too, from all that dam maintenance - especially on Canada Day. Officials say a major washout on the Alaska Highway in B.C. over the holiday weekend was caused by a ...[...]
Jan 01, 2023 10:12pm | 4 views | source: Bing
Weirdest laws passed in every state
virginia | US 1 Near Ark |
No 'lewd and lascivious' behavior before marriage In 1931, West Virginia passed a law ... or use obscene language upon or near any street, sidewalk or highway within the hearing of persons passing ...[...]
Jan 20, 2023 6:37pm | 8 views | source: Bing
Broken beaver dam caused Alaska Highway washout, officials say as detour opens
ontario | Hwy-420 Near Beaver |
Perhaps beavers need holidays too, from all that dam maintenance - especially on Canada Day. Officials say a major washout on the Alaska Highway in B.C. over the holiday weekend was caused by a ...[...]
Jan 01, 2023 10:12pm | 5 views | source: Bing
Broken beaver dam caused Alaska Highway washout, officials say as detour opens
ontario | Hwy-420 Near Beaver |
Perhaps beavers need holidays too, from all that dam maintenance - especially on Canada Day. Officials say a major washout on the Alaska Highway in B.C. over the holiday weekend was caused by a ...[...]
Jan 01, 2023 10:12pm | 9 views | source: Bing
Weirdest laws passed in every state
massachusetts | US 3 Near New Town |
No mask wearing, unless you're at a party Unless you're at a gathering that's received proper approval, it's illegal in New York ... upon or near any street, sidewalk or highway within the hearing ...[...]
Jan 20, 2023 6:37pm | 7 views | source: Bing
Seven cycle routes to explore the Norfolk countryside
Norfolk | massachusetts | Route 140 |
It follows a historic coast-to-coast highway which is believed to be the first cross-country trading route, connecting the Dorset coastline to the Wash in Norfolk. It was created by Ben Wormald ...[...]
Jan 02, 2023 08:50am | 11 views | source: Bing