**UPDATE** Crash moved off to the right. I-285/nb (Outer Loop) delays from I-20 will improve. #ATLtraffic https://t.co/byd02swEXi
**UPDATE** Crash cleared. All lanes of I-20/eb are back open. #ATLtraffic https://t.co/Phjq7DQTof
FULTON CO - One lane is blocked on 75/85 N at I-20 (mm 246.5) due to a stall. Expect delays and use alt. routes. Est. end time: 2:00 pm #ATLtraffic #FultonCounty Updates: https://t.co/eeNpJ1RiT6 https://t.co/QP6WSUfr0W
West Atlanta: Crash on I-20/eb past MLK Jr Drive (Exit 53) in the right lane. Some delays. #ATLtraffic https://t.co/4qPH1b5Jkw
FULTON CO - One right lane is blocked on I-20 E before Langhorn St. (mm 54.9) due to a crash. Expect delays and use alt. routes. Est. end time: 1:30 pm #ATLtraffic #FultonCounty Updates: https://t.co/Kvc5CRRl6m https://t.co/CpWVtVmt1C
Atlanta: Trouble on I-20/eb at I-75/85 (Exit 57) in the left lane. Use caution heading into Downtown. #ATLtraffic https://t.co/XgOfRD7xVo
FULTON CO.- Left lane blocked on I-20 EB at Windsor St/Spring St. (mm 56.8) due to a crash. Use caution in the area. #ATLtraffic Est. clear time: 12:21 pm UPDATE: https://t.co/DNoyxPRNw3 https://t.co/JLPf9RIEOg
East Atlanta: HERO pulled up to a crash, moved to the shoulder I-20/wb near Moreland Ave. All lanes back open. #ATLtraffic https://t.co/MP4gCOwD2A
FULTON CO - One lane is blocked on I-20 W at Moreland Ave. (mm 59.6) due to a crash. Expect delays and use alt. routes. Est. end time: 10:00 am #ATLtraffic #FultonCounty Updates: https://t.co/DxWr0IFSEG https://t.co/DKCXwD3qiD
Conyers: Crash I-20/eb before Hwy 138 (exit 82) blocking 2 left lanes, ride getting slow. #ATLtraffic https://t.co/PBtFZgcCs4
COBB CO.- 2 left lanes blocked on I-20 E past Riverside Pkwy(mm 47.5) due to crash. Use caution | Est. clear time: 6:40 am #CobbCounty #ATLtraffic UPDATES: https://t.co/i14Ilf2vtX https://t.co/wxxFwdrxwF
Cobb Co.: Multi-car crash I-20/eb just past Six Flags blocking the left lane. Delays growing. #ATLtraffic https://t.co/OGEVdPZVFA
DeKalb: Police in right lane, car on shoulder due to a crash on I-285/nb at I-20 (exit 46). Delays. #ATLtraffic https://t.co/33wqfX93fA
DeKalb Co: Tow truck trying to clear this trouble from the center lane on I-285/nb (Outer Loop) at I-20 (Exit 46). #ATLtraffic https://t.co/RlWAvL6qj3
DEKALB CO.- Middle lane blocked on I-285 NB past I-20 (mm 46) due to a stall. Use caution in the area. #dekalbcounty #ATLtraffic Est. clear time: 6:54 pm UPDATE: https://t.co/f4O3s1yeKP https://t.co/1EMz24HBRy
DeKalb Co: Stall on I-20/wb before I-285 (Exit 67) now off to the right but delays stretch back into Lithonia. #ATLtraffic https://t.co/Eb57mfWf7d
**UPDATE** This has cleared. All lanes of I-75/85/sb are open but still slow down to I-20. #ATLtraffic https://t.co/7Bmlx2Wtqx
DEKALB CO - One lane is blocked on I-20 W before I-285 (mm 67) due to a stall. Expect delays and use alt. routes. Est. end time: 5:00 pm #ATLtraffic #DekalbCounty Updates: https://t.co/Dvzne3EieG https://t.co/LhnDHrilU8
DeKalb Co: Slow here on I-20/wb past Wesley Chapel Rd (Exit 68) due to a stall ahead in the center lane. #ATLtraffic https://t.co/Fzmylkpkob
Fulton Co: Crash on I-285/nb (Inner Loop) before Hollowell Pkwy (Exit 12) in the 2nd left lane. Also slowing I-20 in both directions near I-285. #ATLtraffic https://t.co/ShsipC0dQf