Groups hope 'Missy Traps' initiative could help save dogs
I-40 Near Gallup |
The idea of using them in New Mexico originated a few months ago, after a dog named Rambo was killed on Interstate 40 near Gallup. City Animal Protection Manager Tiffany Hubbard said Rambo made ...[...]
Jun 29, 2024 4:59pm | 19 views | source: Bing
Groups hope 'Missy Traps' initiative could help save dogs
I-40 Near Gallup |
The idea of using them in New Mexico originated a few months ago, after a dog named Rambo was killed on Interstate 40 near Gallup. City Animal Protection Manager Tiffany Hubbard said Rambo made ...[...]
Jun 29, 2024 4:59pm | 9 views | source: Bing
'Missy Traps' could change the game for lost dogs
I-40 Near Gallup |
Each Missy Trap costs about $1,200. The idea took root after a dog named Rambo was killed on Interstate 40 near Gallup. The city's Animal Protection Manager Tiffany Hubbard said Rambo made his ...[...]
Jun 29, 2024 4:59pm | 2 views | source: Bing