On I-90 eastbound just east of High Point Way (MP 22) there are fallen tree(s) blocking the right lane.
I-90 Eastbound - CRASH - East of Randall Rd - MP 52.5 - ALL LANES OPEN
I-90 Eastbound - CRASH - East of Randall Rd - MP 52.5 - 2 right lanes blocked of 3
I-90 Eastbound - CRASH - East of Randall Rd - MP 52.5 - 1 lane blocked of 4
Cleared 3:48 PM : On I-90 eastbound just east of Winery Rd (MP 28) there is a collision blocking the left lane.
On the I-90 eastbound off-ramp to 142nd Pl SE (MP 11) there is a disabled vehicle partially blocking the ramp.