Standstill for 3+hrs have traveled 26 miles in past 8hrs. VDOT 511 site useless. Internet is useless with no current updates. Local radio stations useless. Until youve been stuck like this then you have no idea just how helpless you are in this si[...]
I 95 North on standstill since last 4 hrs. Dont see any vehicles on the I95 South. Seeing so many plough trucks on the express lanes but they are closed! We have moved for less than 2 miles in last 4 hrs. Cars lined up for as far as you can see. S[...]
I 95 North on standstill since last 4 hrs. Dont see any vehicles on the I95 South. Seeing so many plough trucks on the express lanes but they are closed! We have moved for less than 2 miles in last 4 hrs. Cars lined up for as far as you can see. S[...]
Been on 95 South in complete standstill for over 4 hours. Our hotel is closing and we are stuck but dont know whyoutside of the earlier snowstorm [...]
Been on 95 South in complete standstill for over 4 hours. Our hotel is closing and we are stuck but dont know whyoutside of the earlier snowstorm [...]