Be the MVP of tonight's Super Bowl party. Be the sober designated driver team player, or get a ride home from one. 🏈 Build a playbook to wake up safe and sound Monday morning. Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk. #SuperBowlLIX#DDForTheWin
Who's your team tomorrow? Tell us who you're rooting for and why in the comments below! No matter who you cheer for, we're betting on you to reach into your playbook to make smart calls on drinking and driving. Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk. #SuperBowlLIX#DDForTheWin
You don't need to check the Chiefs' or Eagles' playbooks. 📖 The winning Xs and Os always involve designating a sober driver. 🏆 Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk. Call your own plays. #SuperBowlLIX#DDForTheWin