Remembering the deadly 1991 Andover tornado
Andover | south dakota |
But the most devastating tornado was the one that hit Andover and south-central Kansas. In south-central Kansas, 19 people died, and 298 people were injured in the storms that day. In Andover ...[...]
Apr 26, 2024 08:03am | 9 views | source: Bing /
Amber Balcaen gives health update at Kansas after Dover wreck
Dover | kansas |
She is making the most of her opportunities. That Dover wreck did not help, but battling back with a top-10 finish at Kansas would be great. The post Amber Balcaen gives health update at Kansas ...[...]
May 04, 2024 12:42pm | 0 view | source: Bing / MSN
Remembering the deadly 1991 Andover tornado
Haysville | kansas |
WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) - The storm that hit on April 26, 1991, is most known for devastating the community of Andover. But the F5 twister also hit parts of Wichita, Haysville, McConnell Air Force Base, ...[...]
Apr 26, 2024 08:03am | 13 views | source: Bing / YAHOO!News
Scars still there: Rebuilding continues in Andover, 2 years after EF-3 tornado
Andover | kansas | US 40 |
Monday (April 29) marks two years since a destructive EF-3 tornado tore through Andover. The city largely has recovered, but the rebuilding efforts continue.[...]
Apr 29, 2024 9:43pm | 11 views | source: Bing
Kansas governor vetoes bipartisan plan to slash income, property and sales taxes
kansas | KS-156 |
Senate President Ty Masterson, R-Andover, said he would encourage senators '?to ignore the governor's my-way-or-the-highway stance and stand in support of Kansas taxpayers.'? ...[...]
Apr 24, 2024 2:16pm | 8 views | source: Bing