Montgomery Co. officer who lost both legs plans return to police department and football field
maryland | I-270 |
Maryland, who was suspected of driving drunk and trying to '?provoke'? officers into a chase on Interstate 270. Kepp was deploying '?stop sticks'? to deflate the teen's tires when police say ...[...]
Jun 26, 2024 02:00am | 10 views | source: Bing
Montgomery Co. officer who lost both legs plans return to police department and football field
maryland | I-270 |
Maryland, who was suspected of driving drunk and trying to '?provoke'? officers into a chase on Interstate 270. Kepp was deploying '?stop sticks'? to deflate the teen's tires when police say ...[...]
Jun 26, 2024 02:00am | 8 views | source: Bing