Greenbelt, MD - Critical Injury in Parkway Collision on BW PKWY near I-495
maryland | I-495 Near Silver Sp |
Greenbelt, MD (July 29, 2024) - An early Monday morning crash on the Baltimore-Washington Parkway near Interstate 495 resulted in serious injuries. United States Park Police responded to the incident ...[...]
Jul 28, 2024 5:00pm | 7 views | source: Bing
Fire engine hit by tractor-trailer truck on I-495
maryland | I-495 Near Silver Sp |
A Mansfield fire engine was struck by a tractor-trailer truck while responding to a separate crash on Interstate 495 Sunday morning. Engine 33 was parked on the southbound side of I-495 near exit ...[...]
Jul 07, 2024 4:30pm | 5 views | source: Bing