Ghosts of Highway 20
Lenox | massachusetts | US 20 |
Their remains later turned up in the deep woods off of Highway 20. Finally police closed in on John Ackroyd. They took the first steps to bring him to justice, though the crimes continued to haunt ...[...]
Dec 02, 2018 10:07pm | 9 views | source: Bing
6 days ago
Tonight 2/25, at 6:30pm, #MassDOT will hold the second virtual public information meeting for the Newton Corner Long-Term Planning Study.
6 days ago
Tonight 2/25, at 6:00pm, #MassDOT will hold a virtual design public hearing to present the design for the proposed project in #Brockton.
6 days ago
#MATraffic update - the disabled tractor-trailer on the #MassPike EB in #Weston has now cleared. All lanes open. Residual delays jammed back to Rte 30 in #Framingham.
6 days ago
#MATraffic update - the crash on the #MassPike EB in #Weston has cleared. All lanes open. The disabled tractor-trailer near the State Police Barracks remains in the center lane with traffic jammed back to Rte 30 in #Framingham.
6 days ago
#MATraffic update - the crash on Rte 24 NB in #Stoughton has cleared. All lanes open. Residual traffic is jammed back to Harrison Blvd in #Avon.
6 days ago
#MATraffic - #Weston - I-90 (#MassPike) EB at Mile Marker 121.6. A crash involving two cars and a tractor-trailer in the travel lanes. Traffic is jammed approaching the scene. Also, a disabled tractor-trailer blocking the center lane at the State Police Barracks.
6 days ago
#MATraffic - #Stoughton - Rte 24 NB at Exit 38 (Rte 139). A crash involving an overturned vehicle in the breakdown lane. Traffic is jammed approaching the scene.
6 days ago
#MATraffic update - the crash on the #MassPike WB in #Boston has cleared. All lanes open. Residual traffic is jammed back into the Ted Williiams Tunnel.
6 days ago
#MATraffic - #Boston - I-90 (#MassPike) WB in the Prudential Tunnel. A crash in the left travel lane with traffic jammed approaching the scene.
6 days ago
#MATraffic update - the crash on I-93 SB in #Wilmington has cleared. All lanes open. Residual traffic remains jammed back to Rte 133 in #Andover.
6 days ago
#MATraffic update - the two left lanes are now open at the crash scene on I-93 SB in #Wilmington. Two right lanes area blocked. Traffic is jammed back to Rte 133 in #Andover.
6 days ago
#MATraffic update - the crash on Rte 1 SB in #Saugus has cleared. All lanes open. Residual traffic is jammed back to the #Lynnfield Tunnel.
6 days ago
#MATraffic - #Wilmington - I-93 SB after Exit 34 (Rte 62). A crash blocking the three right travel lanes. Only the left lane is open. Traffic is jammed back into #Andover.
6 days ago
#MATraffic - #Saugus - Rte 1 SB at Essex St. A crash blocking the left travel lane with traffic jammed approaching the scene.
6 days ago
RT @cityofmethuen: Water Distribution crews are on Woodland Street near the Lawrence line repairing a water main break. Please avoid the ar…
1 week ago
Tonight 2/24, at 6:00pm, #MassDOT will hold an in person public information meeting on the Maffa Way/Mystic Avenue bridge replacements project.
Location: Schrafft's City Center, Café (1st Floor),
529 Main Street, #Charlestown
1 week ago
Last night in #Boston, MassDOT crews completed deck and pothole repairs along a section of I-93 southbound, from the Tip O'Neill Tunnel to before exit 15. All lanes were reopened by 10:00 pm.
1 week ago
RT @LowellPD: **Update: The inbound lane on Central Street is now open.**
1 week ago
#MATraffic update - the crash on I-495 NB in #Hopkinton has cleared. All lanes open. Heavy residual delays in the area.
1 week ago
#MATraffic - #Hopkinton - I-495 NB before Exit 58 (I-90/Mass Pike). A crash involving a small car carrier blocking the right travel lane. Traffic is jammed approaching the scene.