RT @GordieHoweBrg: #TrafficAlert: The left shoulder on SB I-75 will close at EB I-96 on-ramp to NB I-75 from March 17 – April 4, 2025, 9 a.…
RT @GordieHoweBrg: #TrafficAlert: The right shoulder on southbound I-75 on-ramp from M-10 will close at Michigan Ave from March 17 – April…
RT @GordieHoweBrg: #TrafficAlert: The right lane on southbound I-75 will close at Exit 47 B and C off-ramp from March 17 – April 4, 2025, 9…
RT @GordieHoweBrg: #TrafficAlert: The rt ln of the SB I-75 off-ramp will close btwn SB I-75 off-ramp to the Amb Bridge and the W. Vernor Hw…