Aging Midlands hotel could become transitional home for 'hidden homeless' families
Richland | mississippi | I-20 |
A Suburban Studios hotel along Interstate 20 in Lexington County has been circled ... housing units it operates in neighboring Richland County. But 60% of families declined that option.[...]
Aug 08, 2024 9:55pm | 1 view | source: Bing
Man wanted 'respect,' so he posed as deputy US marshal, feds say. He's facing prison
Lexington | mississippi | MS-12 |
A Mississippi man flashed a U.S. Marshals Service badge during traffic stop in Louisiana - but it was a fake, federal authorities say. Getty Images A Mississippi man accused of posing as a ...[...]
Jul 23, 2024 10:35am | 4 views | source: Bing
She took on a small Mississippi town's police. Then they arrested her.
Lexington Echo Hwy |
LEXINGTON, Miss ... Secherest said he was driving down Highway 12 when he saw officers punching her. Days later, after Secherest posted about the alleged assault on Facebook, his son called ...[...]
Jul 03, 2024 02:00am | 3 views | source: Bing