ST. LOUIS - Authorities issued 155 tickets during an Interstate 70 enforcement initiative Thursday in St. Louis. The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department teamed up with the Missouri State ...[...]
ST. LOUIS - Authorities issued 155 tickets during an Interstate 70 enforcement initiative Thursday in St. Louis. The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department teamed up with the Missouri State ...[...]
Apr 26, 2024 1:21pm| 12 views| source: Bing / Fox2Now St. Louis
LINCOLN - Police said a 46-year-old Missouri man was hurt Saturday after his semitruck crashed on Interstate 55 near ... disrupts traffic A statement from Illinois State Police Trooper Joshua ...[...]
No fatalities, but 37 people are treated for injuries Police are calling it Missouri's biggest crash in history and possibly it's luckiest. Wednesday's 98-car pileup blocked eastbound Interstate ...[...]