Colorado Motorcycle Accidents

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E-Bike Definition Enables Use in Colorado Springs, Colo.
colorado | E |
A new definition for the vehicles approved Tuesday by the City Council categorizes a class of the devices as nonmotorized but providing power by being pedaled. This will allow them onto some city ...[...]
Feb 26, 2025 2:56pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Motorcyclist taken to hospital by helicopter after crash in Prince George
colorado | COURTHOUSE RD |
PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY, Va. (WRIC) - A motorcyclist had to be flown to the hospital after a crash in Prince George County on Tuesday. The afternoon of Tuesday, Feb. 25, first responders with Prince ...[...]
Feb 25, 2025 6:44pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Police sound alarm following surge of crashes on Utah-Arizona border involving kids on e-bikes
E Hildale St |
As the popularity of mopeds and electric dirt bikes continues to surge across the country, officers in Hildale and its sister town, Colorado City, have seen a recent surge in ...[...]
Feb 18, 2025 11:23am | 2 views | source: Bing

Motorcyclist, 18, killed in collision with Boynton Fire Rescue truck
colorado | CONGRESS AVE |
Congress Ave. As the truck, a 2018 Freightliner, made its turn, Chalmers' motorcycle collided with the passenger side of the truck, ejecting Chalmers and the 13-year-old, throwing them into the ...[...]
Feb 16, 2025 1:15pm | 3 views | source: Bing

Midson Traffic Report finds new safety risks from Collins St bike lanes but Ryan Posselt disagrees
colorado | COLLINS ST |
The controversial Collins St bike lanes will introduce new safety risks, lead to $300,000 in lost parking revenue and '?are not warranted'?, a new report says.[...]
Feb 14, 2025 09:46am | 2 views | source: Bing

Denver officer working traffic control during protest against President Trump injured in crash
colorado | W 13th Ave |
A Denver police officer was injured in a crash Wednesday night amid a protest at the Colorado State Capitol ... The officer, who was on a motorcycle, was hit by a car at West 13th Avenue and Elati ...[...]
Feb 06, 2025 06:27am | 3 views | source: Bing

Denver police officer seriously injured in motorcycle crash
colorado | W 13th Ave |
Police said a motorcycle officer and a motorist were involved in a collision at West 13th Avenue and North Elati Street. The officer was taken to a local hospital for treatment of serious injuries.[...]
Feb 05, 2025 6:26pm | 4 views | source: Bing

Denver officer seriously injured in motorcycle crash
colorado | W 13th Ave |
The Denver Police Department said the crash at West 13th Avenue and Elati Street involved a DPD motorcycle officer and another driver. The officer was taken to the hospital with injuries that are ...[...]
Feb 05, 2025 11:42am | 4 views | source: Bing

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Accident on East Main Street
Cortez | Colorado | East Main Street
July 1, 2023 Days inn White Chevy Truck Plate Montana DSM838 leaving motel to Angels Bar ran over curb, nearly hit my son on his bike. Tourists drunk we dont need them. He should be escorted outta here. [...]
1 year ago | By Anonymous | 154 views |

Traffic Jam on Highway 91
Frisco | Colorado | Highway 91
Bike race, ambulances, stand still traffic.[...]
3 years ago | By Anonymous | 340 views |

Motorcycle accident near Deckers 7 / 3 / 21
Woodland Park | Colorado | Nb Route 67, South Of Deckers
Approx 4:00 PM, Route 67 was closed a couple miles south of Deckers. Officers reported road was to remain closed for a couple hours due to severe motorcycle accident, no other details were provided. All traffic turned around and sent back to Woodla[...]
3 years ago | By RobD | 1278 views | 9

Motorcycle accident near Deckers 7 / 3 / 21
Woodland Park | Colorado | Nb Route 67, South Of Deckers
Approx 4:00 PM, Route 67 was closed a couple miles south of Deckers. Officers reported road was to remain closed for a couple hours due to severe motorcycle accident, no other details were provided. All traffic turned around and sent back to Woodla[...]
3 years ago | By RobD | 604 views |

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> and 12 thousand Georgian manuscripts  08:34am
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