Chain Control Update!
As you can see snow is still falling along I-80 this morning. Pack your patience and expect delays if traveling through the Sierra Nevada.
EB (R2) Kingvale to Truckee, WB (R2) DLI-Rainbow, trucks min. @CHPGoldRun
⛓️❄️🏔️🚙Chain controls are active along I-80 in the Sierra Nevada. (R2) Chains required on all vehicles except four-wheel/all-wheel drive vehicles with snow tires. EB Cisco Grove to Truckee, WB Truckee to Eagle Lakes. Minimum restrictions for trucks.
@CHP_Truckee @CHPGoldRun
The sun is peaking through on this Monday Morning. Please take it slow over the Sierra Nevada as chain controls remain in effect.
As of 8am:
I-80 EB (R2) Kingvale to DLI, WB (R2) DLI to Eagle Lakes
US-50 (R2) Twin Bridges to Meyers
@CHP_Truckee @CHP_GoldRun @CHPSouthLake
☀️🏔️🚘 Beautiful morning along I-80 in the Sierra Nevada. We’re in between storms right now but be prepared for snow tonight and tomorrow along with the possibility for chain controls. Check for any updates.
@CHP_Truckee @CHPGoldRun