A disabled vehicle is congesting traffic along west I-275 in Springdale
I-275 |
A disabled vehicle is congesting traffic along the interstate in Springdale, Wednesday evening. According to the Ohio Department of Transportation, the center lane along westbound Interstate 275 is ...[...]
Nov 30, 2022 2:51pm | 25 views | 1 Comment | source: Bing
Coshocton SO deals with traffic crashes
ohio | I-480 |
Wilson, 54, of Coshocton was traveling westbound when she control of her vehicle, went left of center and struck a guardrail. She then went over the guardrail and struck a tree. Wilson was transported ...[...]
Nov 28, 2022 07:03am | 22 views | 1 Comment | source: Bing
Map: Where Hamilton County Commissioner Stephanie Summerow Dumas won reelection
Cincinnati | ohio | I-275 |
The incumbent won the way Democrats often do: by dominating the center of the county from river to just north of Interstate 275.[...]
Nov 11, 2022 7:00pm | 16 views | 2 Comments | source: Bing