Portion of I-271 near Mayfield Heights reopens after crash
Va-271 |
Editor's note: The attached video shows when the roadway was still closed. All lanes have since reopened on I-271 south express beyond US-322 / Mayfield Road. MAYFIELD HEIGHTS, Ohio (WJW ...[...]
Aug 10, 2023 03:26am | 11 views | source: Bing
I-71 South at US-224 reopens in Medina after semi-truck rollover
Medina | ohio | I-271 S |
MEDINA, Ohio (WJW) - Interstate 71 South at Exit 209B to U.S. Route 224 West in Medina was closed Thursday after a semi-truck rolled over in that area. The interstate was closed around 11 a.m ...[...]
Aug 03, 2023 09:23am | 7 views | source: Bing