Meet S.A.M.: The 420-Pound, Crime-Fighting Robot Patrolling an Ohio Shopping Center
ohio | OH-420 |
Ohio, protecting against "theft, car accidents, fires, vandalism, and more" with a 360-degree view of its surroundings. Weighing about 420 pounds, "Secret Agent Man" uses artificial intelligence ...[...]
Aug 04, 2023 10:43am | 5 views | source: Bing
Meet S.A.M.: The 420-Pound, Crime-Fighting Robot Patrolling an Ohio Shopping Center
Stony Ridge | ohio | OH-420 |
Ohio, protecting against "theft, car accidents, fires, vandalism, and more" with a 360-degree view of its surroundings. Weighing about 420 pounds, "Secret Agent Man" uses artificial intelligence ...[...]
Aug 04, 2023 09:04am | 7 views | source: Bing