CLEARED: Collision on #HWY417 Westbound at PINECREST AVE / GREENBANK RD (IC 129), Ottawa. 2 right lanes and right shoulder closed. #Incident #ONHwys
Collision on #HWY417 Westbound at PINECREST AVE / GREENBANK RD (IC 129), Ottawa. 2 right lanes and right shoulder closed. #Incident #ONHwys
Cleared: Collision on #HWY129 Both Directions at SEYMOUR LAKE RD-STURGEON TWP (E), Aubrey Falls. Lane and South shoulder closed. #Closure #ONHwys
Update: Collision on #HWY129 Both Directions at SEYMOUR LAKE RD-STURGEON TWP (E), Aubrey Falls. Lane and South shoulder closed. #Closure #ONHwys
Collision on #HWY129 Both Directions at SEYMOUR LAKE RD-STURGEON TWP (E), Aubrey Falls. All lanes closed. #Closure #ONHwys