Project to reduce congestion on Highway 120, Highway 99 connector gets underway
pennsylvania | I-99 |
Leaders in San Joaquin County are looking to reduce congestion on a major interstate connector. Thousands of cars get clogged up every day on the one-lane connector from Highway 120 to Highway 99.[...]
Jul 17, 2024 5:00pm | 10 views | source: Bing
VBS settles in at St. Patrick's
pennsylvania | Patrick St |
Hosted at the church, corner of Highway 120 and Carrolton Road, the VBS ran from July 8 through July 12. VBS staff member Tara Gervase said each day ran from 8 a.m. to noon, with youngsters starting ...[...]
Jul 17, 2024 09:17am | 22 views | source: Bing