PennDOT's unpopular bridge tolling plan headed for the junkyard
Bridgeville | pennsylvania | I-79 S |
Plans for tolling the I-83 / South Bridge and eight other major interstate bridges across Pennsylvania are now all but dead.[...]
Aug 09, 2022 00:00am | 50 views | 1 Comment | source: Bing
23-year-old dead in I-96 crash, Lansing Police investigating
East Lansing | michigan | I-69 |
Thursday night a rollover crash shut down the I-96 off-ramp at South Pennsylvania Avenue. Friday, the Lansing Police Department (LPD) said one person died in that incident. '?When officers arrived on ...[...]
Aug 05, 2022 11:13am | 56 views | 1 Comment | source: Bing