Traffic Jam on Mill Street
Must be motorcycle, heavy national traffic and loud vehicle convention day again...I've heard atleast 100 motorcycle retards vrooming loudly in the last Seriously stupid! Not to mention bumper to bumper excessive loud annoying heavy traffic!!!! Hope you freaking CRASH! SUPER HEAVY traffic! Crapville at it again as usual! SUPER loud today heavy traffic is INSANE! Why is there so much LOUD excessive ridiculous annoying idiotic obnoxious vrooming non essential heavy TRAFFIC and RIDICULOUSLY noisy!!! WHY!? Vroom here vroom there vroooooooooooom!!!! WAYYYYYYY too much freaking loud traffic vrooming and racing up and down the street at full throttle making so much noise and vibrations shaking my house, blasting loud annoying bass that noone wants to hear, car doors SLAMMING in front of my house, obnoxious motorcycle hogs and trucks vrooming and excessive noise! Seriously go home people you dont need to be out!!!!! GOOOO HOMMEEEEEEEEEE! PANDEMIC! GET a life. #Gohome! > reply
TweetPosted 3 years ago by Anonymous 114 views
Anon: sounds like you need a life, you tell people to get a life and then go home? lol you post every 2 days seriously GET A LIFE then you wouldn't notice it as much 3 years ago > REPLY
Vanessa: That's hilarious. Now I have a stalker watching every post thats made? And may I ask how exactly you know which posts are mine?? You must be one of the morons thats contributing to the chaos in this crapfest of a 'town' otherwise you would'nt be so butthurt over a traffic post. And no, I don't need to 'get a life' how about you stop stalking me on here and worrying about what the hell I post and get yourself a life. My posts are legitimate and maybe if you actually paid attention, you would know that I'm tired of being constantly subjected to excessive harassment and ridiculous noise that most people would have committed suicide. F*** off loser and stop harassing me. 3 years ago > REPLY
Vanessa: Oh and by the way, I'am allowed to post on this site - it is a TRAFFIC report website and that's what I'm doing. So if you don't like it get off of it and find something else to do. I'm simply reporting what I hear and see every day, all day, all night and for that I get your Bs retarded comments about ME 'get a life'?! I'm good thanks. I find it weird I'm the one who has to but yet, all these thousands and thousands of morons that do nothing but drive around vrooming all day long because they have no life, dont need to get a life but I do?! You're nuts. Screw off and gtfo and stop being creepy watching every move I make. Pathetic POS. F u c k off 3 years ago > REPLY