Worst accident I have ever seen

In the far left lane that one must use to take the Kenmore Leg to get to 77N, there is a 7-8 car accident. The lead car is white and sits a good foot or more from the pileup behind it. Some of the cars were crushed between 2 cars and one car was on top of another car. No one was moving and emergency vehicles had not received the call yet. Traffic stopped at the accident because one couldn't help but look at the number of vehicles combined together eerily still like a statue. After I passed the accident there were no cars in the lanes and I made my way quickly to my Kenmore Leg turn. There was a police officer sitting at the exchange, his quiet morning would soon be broken by a multi-car call. Prayers to those involved. > reply

Info Posted 3 years ago by Bren Sheaffer 120 views

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