Traffic Jam on I-95

I havent seen anything, I have been at a standstill for six hours. I would like to know whats going on > reply

Info Posted 3 years ago by Anonymous 246 views

USer Comment Shaiita: We’ve been in the same spot with no movement whatsoever for more than 8hrs!!! They have no care or regards for the people stuck. I have 2 children in the car, we are running out of food, water and gas and nothing is being done. They knew a snowstorm was coming, why not prepare and have the roads prepared for the snowstorm. 3 years ago > REPLY

USer Comment Shorty: We've been stuck on 95 S for about 12 hours total now since crossing into Virginia. There's no reason for the lack of proactive preparation. We have no more food or water. There are no bathrooms on the side of the road and that, water and food are basic necessities. The 511site is useless and not much is updated. No one is coming by to even be considerate enough to give us any updates. 3 years ago > REPLY

USer Comment Tina Richardson: Im so sorry tou all are experiencing this horrific standstill. I e been talking to my love one and he tells me that several cars have been abandoned along the middle of the highway and that both sides of 95 are closed down. Ive been speaking to him while hes been at a standstill in Stafford va since 5 pm mon jan 3, 2022. I just spoke to him 30 mina ago and he said there is no change. What in the hell are they doing. Several lanes are open above Stafford va (Quantico, triangle area etc and the cameras show traffic fliwing smoothly there along with the Fredericksburg area and thats why i dont understand why us he telling me he's still stuck in Stafford va and no one is doing anything about it. I feel so bad fir folks who dont have enough gas, heat, food water. Im worried. He told me at 11am that he was starving and hungry and he never even said got the chance to grab food before this crap happened. 3 years ago > REPLY

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  • Posted 1 day ago

    RT @VaDOTFRED: I-95 NORTHBOUND: Final update. All lanes have reopened at exit 148 (Quantico) in Stafford after an earlier crash.

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