I-526 vehicle break in
Need help in seeking out the individual(s) involved in the break in of my vehicle and theft of mine and my fianc belongings on I-526 Charleston SC (West Ashley)Our car was broken into and everything that was in it was stolen. My fianc and myself had the mishap of running out of gas.When we returned from the gas station there was someone taking our belongings. The people responsible took off in there vehicle as we were pulling up. Our friend that gave us a ride back from getting gas gave chase, but was not able to get close enough to get a read on the plate (if there was one). We have had no luck in hearing anything thru our friends or from posting anything on social media. We are hoping that you can do something for us in order to recover any of our belongings and or to help identify the people responsible for this and to bring them to justice. Thank you, Collins > reply
TweetPosted 1 year ago by Collins 80 views