One person suffered serious injuries after a two-car accident on Route ... before 4 p.m. Officials said one person was transported via Lifestar from Camp Yawgoog to Rhode Island Hospital.[...]
Unlock to see our ratings and compare products side by side Life test measures how a battery endures repeated charge-and-discharge cycles at hot-climate engine-compartment temperatures. The more ...[...]
Tyson Wheeler, a New London native, played for the University of Rhode Island from 1994 to 1998. He is currently an assistant head coach for Brown University. Whipple also hit the Audi and was ...[...]
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) announced the eastbound side of the highway will be closed ... The ramps connecting Route 37 East to I-295, Route 2 and Pontiac Avenue will ...[...]
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation said the new bridge will open in phases. Westbound traffic will be shifted by Friday morning, and eastbound traffic will shift Monday morning.[...]
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation said ... All traffic will pass through a new roundabout on Massasoit Avenue. The westbound lanes toward Providence opened Thursday night.[...]
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation ... and drivers can exit onto the bridge or Massasoit Avenue. Anyone coming from North Broadway will be directed to use the original exit to Massasoit ...[...]
The district attorney said Joshua Ferreira was killed in the single-vehicle crash on Route 140 at Braley Road on Nov. 2. Rhode Island State Police said last week that the 2006 Ford F-10 pickup ...[...]
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation said ... All traffic will pass through a new roundabout on Massasoit Avenue. The westbound lanes toward Providence opened Thursday night.[...]
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation said ... All traffic will pass through a new roundabout on Massasoit Avenue. The westbound lanes toward Providence opened Thursday night.[...]
One person suffered serious injuries after a two-car accident on Route 138. The accident happened ... via Lifestar from Camp Yawgoog to Rhode Island Hospital. The driver of the other vehicle ...[...]
One person suffered serious injuries after a two-car accident on Route 138. The accident happened ... via Lifestar from Camp Yawgoog to Rhode Island Hospital. The driver of the other vehicle ...[...]
ALSO SEE: Burglary suspect dies in crash following an early morning pursuit in Oklahoma City Back on September 10, police responded to the shooting near the intersection of NE 23rd and Rhode Island.[...]
The district attorney said Joshua Ferreira was killed in the single-vehicle crash on Route 140 at Braley Road on Nov. 2. Rhode Island State Police said last week that the 2006 Ford F-10 pickup ...[...]