Get owners of Hwy. 407 to cut tolls and watch the traffic move!
texas | Hwy-407 |
Hwy. 401 is too crowded and Hwy. 407 is under used because its tolls are too high. So Premier Doug Ford is going to build another superhighway, spending billions of taxpayer dollars to pave over ...[...]
Dec 23, 2020 3:59pm | 1 view | source: Bing
So Fort Worth's Southeast Connector is a traffic 'boondoggle'? Let's ask the drivers
Fort Worth | texas | US 287 |
(Dec. 16, 11A, '?It's time Texas ... among US 'Highway Boondoggles,''? which was critical of the project proposed to improve the Interstate 20, East Loop 820 and U.S. 287 interchange ...[...]
Dec 20, 2020 03:04am | 11 views | source: Bing
So Fort Worth's Southeast Connector is a traffic 'boondoggle'? Let's ask the drivers
Fort Worth | texas | From South Fwy To I- |
(Dec. 16, 11A, '?It's time Texas GOP leaders ... among US 'Highway Boondoggles,''? which was critical of the project proposed to improve the Interstate 20, East Loop 820 and U.S. 287 ...[...]
Dec 20, 2020 03:04am | 10 views | source: Bing